Rename All Files in Folder to Numbered List 1.Jpg 2.Jpg

rename all files in folder to numbered list 1.jpg 2.jpg

I was able to solve my problem by writing a bash script

for file in *.jpg; do
mv "$file" "$(printf "%u" $num).jpg"
let num=$num+1

Rename jpeg files sequentially in multiple subfolders

As with all new, unfamiliar commands, please try this on a copy of your files, after making a backup of your machine. Also, do not try this in your HOME directory as it recurses down into sub-directories, so try it in a directory below which you have nothing important!

I think I understand! If you use homebrew, you can use:

brew install rename

to install the Perl rename command.

Then you can run this:

find . -name "frame*.jpg" -print0 | rename --dry-run --stdin -0 -N "000001" '$_="frame" . $N . ".jpg"'

which says... "Find all the JPEG files in the current directory and below, that start with frame... and pass their names to rename with null termination. The rename utility then reads the null-terminated names and starts a counter $N with 6 digits total width and sets the filename to the word frame followed by the sequential number, incrementing by 1 for each file and appending the .jpg suffix".

If the output looks good, run again without the --dry-run.

Renaming files in a folder to sequential numbers

Try to use a loop, let, and printf for the padding:

for i in *.jpg; do
new=$(printf "%04d.jpg" "$a") #04 pad to length of 4
mv -i -- "$i" "$new"
let a=a+1

using the -i flag prevents automatically overwriting existing files, and using -- prevents mv from interpreting filenames with dashes as options.

Rename all files in a directory with numbers

Here's my version:

// open the current directory (change this to modify where you're looking)
$dir = opendir('.');

$i = 1;

// loop through all the files in the directory
while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir)))
// if the extension is '.jpg'
if (strtolower(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) == 'jpg')
// do the rename based on the current iteration
$newName = $i . '.jpg';
rename($file, $newName);

// increase for the next loop

// close the directory handle

Rename all files in a directory with numbers

Here's my version:

// open the current directory (change this to modify where you're looking)
$dir = opendir('.');

$i = 1;

// loop through all the files in the directory
while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir)))
// if the extension is '.jpg'
if (strtolower(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) == 'jpg')
// do the rename based on the current iteration
$newName = $i . '.jpg';
rename($file, $newName);

// increase for the next loop

// close the directory handle

How to rename files in reverse order in Python?

I don't know if this is the most optimal way of doing that, but here it is:

import os

folder_name = "test"
new_folder_name = folder_name + "_new"

file_names = os.listdir(folder_name)
file_names_new = file_names[::-1]


for name, new_name in zip(file_names, file_names_new):
os.rename(folder_name + "/" + name, new_folder_name + "/" + new_name)

os.rename(new_folder_name, folder_name)

This assumes that you have files saved in the directory "test"

Renaming multiple files in a directory using Python

You are not giving the whole path while renaming, do it like this:

import os
path = '/Users/myName/Desktop/directory'
files = os.listdir(path)

for index, file in enumerate(files):
os.rename(os.path.join(path, file), os.path.join(path, ''.join([str(index), '.jpg'])))

Edit: Thanks to tavo, The first solution would move the file to the current directory, fixed that.

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