Check Whether a Certain File Type/Extension Exists in Directory

Check whether a certain file type/extension exists in directory


count=`ls -1 *.flac 2>/dev/null | wc -l`
if [ $count != 0 ]
echo true

Check if a directory contains a file with a given extension

You can use the else block of the for:

for fname in os.listdir('.'):
if fname.endswith('.true'):
# do stuff on the file
# do stuff if a file .true doesn't exist.

The else attached to a for will be run whenever the break inside the loop is not executed. If you think a for loop as a way to search something, then break tells whether you have found that something. The else is run when you didn't found what you were searching for.


if not any(fname.endswith('.true') for fname in os.listdir('.')):
# do stuff if a file .true doesn't exist

Moreover you could use the glob module instead of listdir:

import glob
# stuff
if not glob.glob('*.true')`:
# do stuff if no file ending in .true exists

How can I check if a certain file type exists in a directory?

You could do something like


With subfolders


check if file with certain file extension present in folder using batch script

In the simplest case the batch language includes a construct for this task

if exist *.elf (
:: file exists - do something
) else (
:: file does not exist - do something else

where the if exist will test for existence of an element in the current or indicate folder that matches the indicated name/wildcard expression.

While in this case it seems you will not need anything else, you should take into consideration that if exist makes no difference between a file and a folder. If the name/wildcard expression that you are using matches a folder name, if exists will evaluate to true.

How to ensure we are testing for a file? The easiest solution is to use the dir command to search for files (excluding folders). If it fails (raises errorlevel), there are no files matching the condition.

dir /a-d *.elf >nul 2>&1 
if errorlevel 1 (
:: file does not exist - do something
) else (
:: file exists - do something else

Or, using conditional execution (just a little abreviation for the above code)

dir /a-d *.elf >nul 2>&1 && (
:: file does exist - do something
) || (
:: file does not exist - do something else

What it does is execute a dir command searching for *.elf , excluding folders (/a-d) and sending all the output to nul device, that is, discarding the output. If errorlevel is raised, no matching file has been found.

How to check if a directory contains a certain file type?

If you just want to check the count of .txt files is 0 then you could use glob.glob() instead:

import glob

if len(glob.glob("*.txt")) == 0:
print "No TXT files"

Checking if file with file-extension '.ini' exists, shell

set -- /dir/*.ini
case $1 in
('/dir/*.ini') echo "No ini files here.";;
(*) echo "Found $# ini files: $@";;

Look ma! No forks! This should beat, by a million of CPU cycles, any solution with forks to ls, find and friends.

Now there's one little gotcha here. Can you spot it? Okay, what happens if /dir contains a file named *.ini literally (star, dot, ini)? The above will give you a false negative: it reports no ini file although there is one. If you want to prepare for this case (and you should, because you are a careful programmer, giving attention to detail, no gotchas in your code, right?), you slightly modify the first case to read

if test -f '/dir/*.ini'; then
echo "Wow, there's a plain file named '/dir/*.ini'!"
echo "No ini files here."

how to check if a specific file extension exists in a folder using powershell?

Try this:

function Get-ExtensionCount {
$Root = "C:\Root\",
$FileType = @(".sln", ".designer.vb"),
$Outfile = "C:\Root\rootext.txt"

$output = @()

Foreach ($type in $FileType) {
$files = Get-ChildItem $Root -Filter *$type -Recurse | ? { !$_.PSIsContainer }
$output += "$type ---> $($files.Count) files"
foreach ($file in $files) {
$output += $file.FullName

$output | Set-Content $Outfile

I turned it into a function with your values as default parameter-values. Call it by using

Get-ExtensionCount    #for default values


Get-ExtensionCount -Root "d:\test" -FileType ".txt", ".bmp" -Outfile "D:\output.txt"

Output saved to the file ex:

.txt ---> 3 files
.bmp ---> 2 files
D:\Test\New Bitmap Image.bmp

To get the all the filecounts at the start, try:

function Get-ExtensionCount {
$Root = "C:\Root\",
$FileType = @(".sln", ".designer.vb"),
$Outfile = "C:\Root\rootext.txt"
#Filecount per type
$header = @()
#All the filepaths
$filelist = @()

Foreach ($type in $FileType) {
$files = Get-ChildItem $Root -Filter *$type -Recurse | ? { !$_.PSIsContainer }
$header += "$type ---> $($files.Count) files"
foreach ($file in $files) {
$filelist += $file.FullName
#Collect to single output
$output = @($header, $filelist)
$output | Set-Content $Outfile

Is there an R function for checking if files with a certain extension exist in a path?

Using base R:

list.files(path = "pathname", pattern = "\\.csv$")

will return a vector of strings with the filenames that end in ".csv". To check if any exist, use:

length(list.files(path = "pathname", pattern = "\\.csv$")) > 0

How can I Check whether file exists with a specific extension in a folder

The below code may help you.

public class FindCertainExtension {

private static final String FILE_DIR = "c:\\folder";
private static final String FILE_TEXT_EXT = ".jpg";

public static void main(String args[]) {
new FindCertainExtension().listFile(FILE_DIR, FILE_TEXT_EXT);

public void listFile(String folder, String ext) {

GenericExtFilter filter = new GenericExtFilter(ext);

File dir = new File(folder);

System.out.println("Directory does not exists : " + FILE_DIR);

// list out all the file name and filter by the extension
String[] list = dir.list(filter);

if (list.length == 0) {
System.out.println("no files end with : " + ext);

for (String file : list) {
String temp = new StringBuffer(FILE_DIR).append(File.separator)
System.out.println("file : " + temp);

// inner class, generic extension filter
public class GenericExtFilter implements FilenameFilter {

private String ext;

public GenericExtFilter(String ext) {
this.ext = ext;

public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
return (name.endsWith(ext));

Enjoy !!!

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