@Reboot Is Not Working in Cron

@reboot is not working in CRON

Take a look at the systemd.service manpage. It describes how to configure systemd to manage a service. I am sure you will find examples for your system in /usr/lib/systemd/system or similar paths.

In your case, the service would look somewhat like this:

Description=Unturned Game Server


ExecStart=/bin/bash /home/steam/start.sh

Put this in a file /etc/systemd/system/unturned.service. Then run systemctl daemon-reload (once, and whenever you change unturned.service to tell systemd to re-read the configuration) and systemctl start unturned.service to start the game server.

If that works as expected, you can use systemctl enable unturned.service to make sure it starts at boot.

A few notes on the options used:

  • If start.sh is not supposed to run as user/group steam, edit appropriately.
  • WantedBy in the Install section tells systemd which "target" (see man systemd.target) pulls the service in when you enable it using systemctl enable.
  • Restart defines under which circumstances systemd will automatically restart the service. There are more restart-related options, which you may or may not want to change; see the systemd.service man page.

@reboot cronjob not executing

Mark Roberts pointed out a few things I'd done wrong.

Namely, the spaces here

MAIL = root
HOME = /

Get rid of those spaces..

Next, having Cron configuration fixed to email every minute.. instead of what I had :

*/1 * * * * /home/user/tester.py

Seems to me Lubuntu doesn't support the @Reboot Cron syntax.

Why 'reboot' operation does not work with crontab?

So I started having this issue as well, recently too.

I've been doing a little digging, and so far what I have found is the following:

  • Placing 'reboot' in a SU crontab does nothing, but placing '/sbin/reboot' does successfully reboot the system
  • This is untrue for a User crontab, neither 'reboot' nor '/sbin/reboot' functions.

So this is a temporary fix that can get your system working for now, but I'm going to keep digging.

There's something more going on here, it doesn't seem to just be a su related problem. I passed my password plaintext to 'sudo systemctl reboot' and it didn't fire.

crontab @reboot does not execute bash script when server is rebooted

My problem was that the crontab did not have a full environment. I made the script it was pointing to source my .bashrc.

@reboot /home/user/www/example.com/bin/server

./server does . /home/user/.bashrc to get a working environment.

Cron jobs run ok as script but not @reboot

Fixed: The django and streaming screens where relying on some environment variables which are not loaded with cron. See here where-can-i-set-environment-variables-that-crontab-will-use for more details.

I was able to get logging working for the screens by following this gnu-screen-logtstamp-string and this save-screen-program-output-to-a-file .

My updated /home/myapp/reboot.sh:


echo "$(date) Starting reboot.sh"

# Load environment variables
source /etc/profile.d/env.sh

start_django () {
echo "$(date) Entering start_django"
screen -c /home/myapp/django_cron_log.conf -L -S django -dm bash -c 'cd /home/myapp && /usr/local/bin/gunicorn myapp.wsgi:application --bind'
echo "$(date) Exiting start_django"

start_stream () {
echo "$(date) Entering start_stream"
screen -c /home/myapp/stream_cron_log.conf -L -S streaming -dm bash -c 'cd /home/myapp/data_api && python3 api_stream_client.py && exec bash'
echo "$(date) Exiting start_stream"

if screen -list | grep -q "No Sockets found"; then
echo "$(date) No screens available"

echo "$(date) Starting django"

echo "$(date) Starting stream"
if screen -list | grep -q "django"; then
echo "$(date) django exists; not starting django"
echo "$(date) django does not exist - starting now"

if screen -list | grep -q "streaming"; then
echo "$(date) stream exists; not starting stream"
echo "$(date) stream does not exist - starting now"

The -c /home/myapp/*_cron_log.conf -L in screen will be removed for production.

Running script in crontab--reboot: command not found

cron jobs run with a very basic environment setup; among other things, the default PATH is just /usr/bin:/bin. It does not use the user's regular shell setup. There are several ways to solve this:

  • Use the full path in the script (i.e. /sbin/reboot).
  • Set PATH in the script before using reboot (i.e. PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin).
  • Set PATH in the crontab before the entry for your script (syntax is the same as in the script).

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