How to Replace All Lines Between Two Points and Subtitute It with Some Text in Sed

Linux: How to replace all text between two lines and substitute it with the output of a variable using sed?

You can probably use this sed:

sed -e '/BEGIN/,/END/ {//!d; /BEGIN/r file.html' -e '}' file

This will insert content of file.html file between BEGIN and END. To save changes back to file:

sed -i -e '/BEGIN/,/END/ {//!d; /BEGIN/r file.html' -e '}' file

How to replace multiple lines between two patterns with content of a file using sed?

You can try this sed

sed -e '/begin/,/end/!b' -e '/end/!d;r file2.txt' -e 'd' file1.txt

Sed print each line of the file if option -n is not specified.

Before printing, sed execute the script given by all the -e option given.

The command b in the script tell to sed to end the script at this point.

So the first -e command tell sed to end the script and print the line for all lines not in begin and end.

The second -e command tell sed to print the file file2.txt when it find the line with end.

The third -e command tell sed to delete (not print) the lines from begin to end.

How to replace a whole line (between 2 words) using sed?

With your shown samples please try following. sed doesn't support lazy matching in regex. With awk's RS you could do the substitution with your shown samples only. You need to create variable val which has new value in it. Then in awk performing simple substitution operation will so the rest to get your expected output.

awk -v val="your_new_line_Value" -v RS="" '
' Input_file

Above code will print output on terminal, once you are Happy with results of above and want to save output into Input_file itself then try following code.

awk -v val="your_new_line_Value" -v RS="" '
' Input_file > temp && mv temp Input_file

How to swap text based on patterns at once with sed?

Maybe something like this:

sed 's/ab/~~/g; s/bc/ab/g; s/~~/bc/g'

Replace ~ with a character that you know won't be in the string.

How to replace a whole line with sed?

Try this:

sed "s/aaa=.*/aaa=xxx/g"

How do I replace lines between two patterns with a single line in sed?

This might work for you (GNU sed & bash):

sed $'/^four/{:a;N;/^seven/McNEWLINE\nba}' file

Find and replace text in a file between range of lines using sed

You can use sed addresses:

sed '19,33s/google/facebook/g' file

This will run the substitution on lines between and including 19 and 33.

The form of a sed command is as follows:


Where 19,33 is the addreses,

substitute is function

and global is the argument

replace a unknown string between two known strings with sed

sed -i 's/WORD1.*WORD3/WORD1 foo WORD3/g' file.txt


sed -i 's/(WORD1).*(WORD3)/\1 foo \2/g' file.txt

You might need to escape round brackets, depends on your sed variant.

Replace several lines by one using sed

Assuming you don't really need to do this with sed, this will work using any awk in any shell on every UNIX box:

$ awk -F'[()]' '/^[^[:space:]]/{s=$2; next} {sub(/[^[:space:]]*\(/,"("s",")} 1' file



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