Qt Version Is Not Properly Installed, Please Run Make Install

QT version is not properly installed, please run make install

Just so this no longer shows up as unanswered:

To install all qt-devel libraries, use

sudo apt-get install qt4-dev-tools libqt4-dev libqt4-core libqt4-gui

Qt Creator 2.6.2 and Qt 4.8.4: Qt version is not properly installed

Based on SO: How to install Qt on Windows after building? I eventually got to http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/install-win.html

Simply running configure solved it for me, I did not build, nothing else. The installer did apply several patches, so I still do not get why I have to run configure.

Qt 6.2.4 for QNX710 on Ubuntu 20.04 - Qt version is not properly installed

The Qt version was indeed not properly installed.

qmake expects a specific directory for target libraries

$ ~/Qt6/6.2.4/qnx/bin/qmake -v
QMake version 3.1
Using Qt version 6.2.4 in /home/werner/qnx710/target/qnx7/home/werner/Qt6/6.2.4/qnx/lib

So to fix QT Creator, I simply had to create a symbolic link:

$ cd ~/qnx710/target/qnx7
$ mkdir -p home/werner
$ ln -s ~/Qt6 .

Unable to add QT version

So, for a first try, I suggest using the MinGW compiler, since it is installed by Qt Maintenance Tool.

If you need to use the MSVC compiled Qt like the one selected in your pick, but you need also to install Visual Studio since you need the MSVC Compiler. If you also need to debug an MSVC Qt Application via QtCreator you need to manually configure the CDB, since the one installed with Visual Studio is not detected by Qt Creator.
Those pieces of information are related to MSVC2017 and Visual Studio 2017. If you intend to use MSVC2019 I don't know how QtCreator manages that.

About your situation is strange, you installed the MSVC Qt so they should be detected in QtCreator (tools -> options -> kits -> Qt Versions). I suggest to completely uninstall Qt and restart the process selecting just the MinGW 64-bit, QtCreator and MinGW Compiler 7.

QtCreator: No valid kits found

Found the issue. Qt Creator wants you to use a compiler listed under one of their Qt libraries. Use the Maintenance Tool to install this.

To do so:

Go to Tools -> Options.... Select Build & Run on left. Open Kits tab.
You should have Manual -> Desktop (default) line in list. Choose it.
Now select something like Qt 5.5.1 in PATH (qt5) in Qt version
combobox and click Apply button. From now you should be able to
create, build and run empty Qt project.

Where to add make install in Qt Creator?

If it is part of Build Settings, it will be done every time you do a build under Qt Creator (assuming previous steps succeeded).

If it is part of Run Settings, it will only be run when you actually run the app under Qt Creator.

It depends on the case, which on you want. If it is part of Run Settings, then logically it should be configured to run the installed/deployed binary. If it is just for checking that make install succeeds, as part of the build, even though it will run the application from build directory when you run it under Qt Creator, then it should be part of build.

In your case, it sounds like make install is needed for running the app, so maybe it could be part of Run settings, to make normal builds just a bit faster.

Can't import/configure Qt project

Qt is a cross platform framework, thus supporting a bunch of c++ compilers like MinGW GCC, Clang ...etc. a Kit is a set of Qt packages designed for a specific C++ compiler and implements the Qt libraries for that compiler, this is what you need to compile your project in Qt creator .. and they are not part of Qt Creator itself, they must be downloaded. below steps are suitable to get Qt fully functioning.

The Qt open source.

There are two ways to get Qt, the first is to download the source code packages/files and build Qt yourself (but this would be needed if you have a reason to build qt packages from sources yourself). this not covered here.

Steps to install and Configure prebuild Qt Open Source.

  • Download Qt Online Installer for Windows, usually from this location Qt Online Installer for Windows, this is an online installer for Qt.

  • Run the downloaded installer, it will guide you through few steps like creating an Qt account and logging in ...

  • You will end up to the component selection screen and this is the most part.

  • Expand the Qt Selector tree, you will get 2 groups, A list of available prebuild Qt versions, And to the bottom a Tools selector tree.

  • make your selection of which Qt version you wish to be downloaded and installed.

  • Then expand the tree for that version and Choose the components of your interest, these are package kits for a list of compilers .. (For example: a windows user might choose "MinGw x.x.x 32" suite for development under windows .. and "Android" component to develop Android Apps on Qt Creator.

  • Go down to the Tools tree, expand and select which components to download and install. For Windows usually you need : Qt Creator Debugger, MinGW x.x.x (same as above) and Qt installer framework (which is a maintenance tool for Qt upgrades ...etc).

If you have selected MinGw kit in Qt Version , then you must download the corresponding MingW framework, from Tools branch, unless you have it.

  • After all selections are made press Next and complete the installation.

Note: with a clean installation of Qt, it configures itself automatically and no further configurations are needed -> Kits are automatically configured based on your installed components.

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