No Console Output Available on Linux When Executing Grails/Groovy

No console output available on linux when executing grails/groovy

What version of grails?

env|grep JAVA_HOME

env|grep GRAILS

which grails
grails is aliased to `/home/vahid/ggts-bundle/grails-2.3.7/bin/grails'

alias|grep grails
alias grails='/home/vahid/ggts-bundle/grails-2.3.7/bin/grails'

Do you see anything actually being done, or is it after completion that it does not show up?

grails refresh-dependencies --plain-output 2>&1 > /tmp/vh.txt

The above redirected all output to /tmp/vh.txt

cat /tmp/vh.txt 
|Loading Grails 2.3.7
|Configuring classpath
|Environment set to development
|Dependencies refreshed.

grails application terminating automatically


I thought I give you more of an insight into grails now that I have a little time on my hands...

most of the grails should remember one day not too long ago we were also in the same boat and had no idea where to start...

I would suggest getting hold of a good book such as definitive guide to grails 2 and reading/experimenting....

To create a basic app with one object :

The following is using grails command line - so refer to No console output available on linux when executing grails/groovy for expoerting out java grails - I Guess you are windows so same but on windows environment...

$ grails create-app grails-example
$ cd grails-example
$ grails create-domain-class Books
$ vi grails-app/domain/grails/example/Books.groovy

cat grails-app/domain/grails/example/Books.groovy

package grails.example

class Books {

String name
static constraints = {

vi is a linux editing tool so use notepad and go to that path and as you can see I added

String name

save file now run:

$ grails generate-controller grails.example.Books
$ grails generate-view Books
$ grails generate-view grails.example.Books
$ grails run-app

As for general beginners guide, I came across this site today and have probably used in the past without noticing it...

Best of luck and welcome to Grails. I have enjoyed every moment of working with it...

Grails hangs on command line

Cleaning .ivy cache helps


Groovy executing shell commands

Ok, solved it myself;

def sout = new StringBuilder(), serr = new StringBuilder()
def proc = 'ls /badDir'.execute()
proc.consumeProcessOutput(sout, serr)
println "out> $sout\nerr> $serr"


out> err> ls: cannot access /badDir: No such file or directory

Grails Dependencies not Added as Libraries to IntelliJ IDEA

Understanding how Grails resolves Gant scripts really helps:

Grails searches in the following directories for Gant scripts to execute:

  • USER_HOME/.grails/scripts
  • PROJECT_HOME/scripts
  • PROJECT_HOME/plugins/*/scripts
  • GRAILS_HOME/scripts

The problem seems that IntelliJ IDEA is automagically providing this Gant script, but putting the script in the wrong spot.

Using VisualVM, here are the user directories:


So even though Cygwin, and so it seems IntelliJ IDEA, treats C:\Users\%USERNAME% as the home directory, the Windows Group Policy maps it to a network share and Java uses this value as user.home.

Looking in C:\Users\%USERNAME%\.grails\scripts, I was able to find the script. I copied it to \\SOME\network\drive\%USERNAME%\.grails\scripts and then Grails recognized the script and IntelliJ IDEA was able to configure itself properly.

How to get Grails application name within Config.groovy?

To get the appName in a config file that you're including with grails.config.locations you can use:

appName = grails.util.Metadata.current.''

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