Differentiate Between Exit and Session Timeout

Differentiate between exit and session timeout

2nd Attempt

Based on feedback, previous solution using trap on EXIT does not work well. Alternative, based on using PROMPT_COMMAND seems to give better mileage.

Basic Logic:

  • Capture command prompt time - start)
  • At 'exit' event, check if (now-start) > TMOUT
  • Normally, exit, CTRL/D, etc will finish in 1-2 seconds.
#! /bin/bash
function pre_cmd {

function log_exit {
if [ "$((SECONDS-START-TMOUT))" -ge 0 ] ; then
echo "TIMEOUT"
echo "Normal Exit"

trap 'log_exit' EXIT

What is the difference between session_unset() and session_destroy() in PHP?

session_unset just clears the $_SESSION variable. It’s equivalent to doing:

$_SESSION = array();

So this does only affect the local $_SESSION variable instance but not the session data in the session storage.

In contrast to that, session_destroy destroys the session data that is stored in the session storage (e.g. the session file in the file system).

Everything else remains unchanged.

Difference between sessionStorage and express-session?

The main difference is:

sessionStorage stores data (client-side) inside browser.

express-session stores data to (server-side) and it also stores sessionID into the browser as cookie.

For each visit to a page, the cookie is sent along with the sessionID and the backend code can then fetch the session data. So the user has access to his own session data.
The data in the server side session is private. Only the server can see it. The cookie is deleted when the browser is closed (our session data is also automatically deleted by the server depending on our setting.)

SessionStorage: is a local database in the browser that you can access via client-side JavaScript. Basically it’s a key/value store. This database is not private. You, or anyone using your browser, can see the contents using the developer tools of the browser. The “session” in sessionStorage means that all data is deleted when the browser is closed.

What happens to the $_SESSION array if a PHP session times out in the middle of a request?

don't worry about such things. Nothing will happen to the session. It's initialised by sessioni_start() and $_SESSION will be always available within your script.

update database table on session timeout in php

I suppose you realize that this code

if (isset($_SESSION['LAST_ACTIVITY']) && (time() - $_SESSION['LAST_ACTIVITY'] > 3600)) {
$_SESSION['LAST_ACTIVITY'] = time(); // update last activity time stamp

runs on every request and only when a request arrives

Imagine I visit your website and then go out shopping keeping the browser open. What do you think will happen?
NOTHING - because there will be no new request sent to you (assuming you haven't implemented any periodic ajax polling / Websocket mechanism)

So the server won't bother about me until I come back from shopping and refresh the page, only then would the server realize "Hmmm..This guy's LAST_ACTIVITY is older than an hour let me update my trace_users table and set open as false for him"

Coming to your proposed solution, it looks good and avoids the complications of websockets/periodic ajax requests

Just need some minor corrections, follow here for a basic demo


var lastActivity = <?php echo ($_SESSION['LAST_ACTIVITY']); ?>; //the timestamp of latest page refresh or navigation
//This will remain constant as long as page stays put
var now = <?php echo time() ?>; //This takes inital value (technically same as LAST_ACTIVITY) from server
// but later on it will be incremented by javascript to act as counter
var logoutAfter = 5; //I set 5 sec for demo purposes

var timer = setInterval(function() {
let delta = now - lastActivity;
if ( delta > logoutAfter) {
alert('you are logged out');
//DO AJAX REQUEST TO close.php
}, 1000);


Here the lastActivity will hold the timestamp when the page was sent by server to browser it will be never changed by scripts on the browser,
now is your counter that you will use to track how much time passed since page was loaded on the browser, you'll increment it every second and check if a given amount of time has been crossed

If true do a ajax request (or simply redirect to logout.php) where you would destroy session and update the trace_users table to mark the user as closed


So ajax will be like

url: "/close.php",
type: 'POST', // GET also fine
data: { },
success: function(data) {
window.location.href= '/mmo.php';
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {



$logoutAfter = 5; //5 sec timeout for testing purposes

// I'm not sure whether the below if condition check is required here or not
// because we have already checked (whether to timeout or not ) in our javascript
// and we call close.php only when it's affirmative
// I encourage you to test and find out :)

if (isset($_SESSION['LAST_ACTIVITY']) && (time() - $_SESSION['LAST_ACTIVITY'] > $logoutAfter)) {
session_destroy(); // destroy session data in storage

/* Update Table (START) */
$stmt= $connect->prepare("UPDATE trace_users SET open=? WHERE user_name=?");
$stmt->bind_param('ss', $open, $_SESSION['user_name']);
/* Update Table (END) */

//header('location: /mmo.php'); //<-- no need of it when url hit by ajax
else //<-- note the else
$_SESSION['LAST_ACTIVITY'] = time(); // update last activity time stamp

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