Need to Remove the Count from the Output When Using "Uniq -C" Command

Need to remove the count from the output when using uniq -c command

The count from uniq is preceded by spaces unless there are more than 7 digits in the count, so you need to do something like:

uniq -c | sort -nr | cut -c 9-

to get columns (character positions) 9 upwards. Or you can use sed:

uniq -c | sort -nr | sed 's/^.\{8\}//'


uniq -c | sort -nr | sed 's/^ *[0-9]* //'

This second option is robust in the face of a repeat count of 10,000,000 or more; if you think that might be a problem, it is probably better than the cut alternative. And there are undoubtedly other options available too.

Caveat: the counts were determined by experimentation on Mac OS X 10.7.3 but using GNU uniq from coreutils 8.3. The BSD uniq -c produced 3 leading spaces before a single digit count. The POSIX spec says the output from uniq -c shall be formatted as if with:

printf("%d %s", repeat_count, line);

which would not have any leading blanks. Given this possible variance in output formats, the sed script with the [0-9] regex is the most reliable way of dealing with the variability in observed and theoretical output from uniq -c:

uniq -c | sort -nr | sed 's/^ *[0-9]* //'

Remove count numbers in the text from uniq command | Bash Linux

With GNU grep:

sort file | uniq -cd | awk '$1>50' | sort -nr | grep -oP '^ *[0-9]+ \K.*'

Why uniq -c output with space instead of \t?

Try this:

uniq -c | sed -r 's/^( *[^ ]+) +/\1\t/'

What is the three spaces after ' uniq -c ' command in shell

Common uniq implementations add padding spaces on the left to align the counts number. This both looks neater and allows for correct sorting by count even with a "brutal" lexicographical sort; notice however that this courtesy doesn't seem to be mandated by POSIX.

You can easily trim them adding sed in pipe:

uniq -c | sed 's/^ *//' 

uniq -c unable to count unique lines

awk-free version with cut, sort and uniq:

cut -f 3 bisulfite_seq_set0_v_set1.tsv | sort | uniq -c

uniq operates on adjacent matching lines, so the input has to be sorted first.

How can I use uniq -c command of unix in python code?

Just for completeness, this is how you could solve it in Python:

import re, collections

paragraph = "how are you now? Are you better now?"

splitter = re.compile('\W')
counts = collections.Counter(word.lower()
for word in splitter.split(paragraph)
if word)
for word, count in counts.most_common():
print(count, word)

uniq -c without additional spaces

You can try to make the sed command as short as possible with

sort | uniq -c | sed 's/^ *//'

If you have GNU grep, you can also use the -P flag:

sort | uniq -c | grep -Po '\d.*'

(Do not use awk '{$1=$1};1', it will trim more than you want)

When you need this often, you can make a function or script calling

sort | uniq -c | sed 's/^ *//'

or only

uniq -c | sed 's/^ *//'

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