Monitor Directory For Changes

How can I monitor a Windows directory for changes?

Use a FileSystemWatcher like below to create a WatcherCreated Event().

I used this to create a Windows Service that watches a Network folder and then emails a specified group on arrival of new files.

    // Declare a new FILESYSTEMWATCHER
protected FileSystemWatcher watcher;
string pathToFolder = @"YourDesired Path Here";

// Initialize the New FILESYSTEMWATCHER
watcher = new FileSystemWatcher {Path = pathToFolder, IncludeSubdirectories = true, Filter = "*.*"};
watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
watcher.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler(WatcherCreated);

void WatcherCreated(object source , FileSystemEventArgs e)
//Code goes here for when a new file is detected

How to monitor a complete directory tree for changes in Linux?

To my knowledge, there's no other way than recursively setting an inotify watch on each directory.

That said, you won't run out of file descriptors because inotify does not have to reserve an fd to watch a file or a directory (its predecessor, dnotify, did suffer from this limitation). inotify uses "watch descriptors" instead.

According to the documentation for inotifywatch, the default limit is 8192 watch descriptors, and you can increase it by writing the new value to /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches.

Monitor a shared folder for changes and pull to database

I'd recommend having a look @ spring batch It does cater for polling directories, scheduling and writers for db interaction(as well as a host of other features).

Windows explorer monitors directory changes in a tricky way?

windows calls windows_storage!SHChangeNotify instead of that one in shell32. Why does Windows have two copies of same API, are they different?

Monitor Directory for Changes

Look at inotify.

With inotify you can watch a directory for file creation.

FileSystemWatcher monitoring 2 directories. Change log increased by 1 per change, so when one file changes in console it pops up many times?

In the MonitorDirectory-method you're just adding more delegates to the FileSystemWatcher_Changed-method on fileSystemWatcher.Changed:

fileSystemWatcher.Changed += FileSystemWatcher_Changed;

That's why you get a linear increase of notifications everytime the current job document is changed.

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