Looking for Files Not Owned by a Specific User

Looking for files NOT owned by a specific user

The find(1) utility has primaries that can be negated ("reversed") using the "!" operator. On the prompt one must however escape the negation with a backslash as it is a shell metacharacter. Result:

find . \! -user foo -print

Using find to locate files not owned by USER or GROUP

not (X or Y) and (not X or not Y) are different things, negation is not a distributive operation. You indeed need parentheses there—as -o has a lower precedence than -a implied by the conjunction of primaries—, but also both predicates inside should be negated.

find . \( ! -user user -o ! -group group \) -exec chown user:group {} +

Find files which have (or have not) a specific owner

You can use the find command.

find (directory) -user (user)
find (directory) -not -user (user)


How can I find files that only have certain permission for owner?

Start with:

find /path/to/file -user user1 -perm -u+rwx

This means: look for files starting in /path/to/files, owned by user1, where the permissions for group and other can be anything (- in front of the permission string) and the users permissions are only: rwx

To search for files only (no directories) then add -type f.

Also, try some reading. This has great examples: Find tutorial

how to find files not owned by me in Google apps script

I think the updated answer as of now is to use DriveApp.searchFiles(params) (https://developers.google.com/apps-script/reference/drive/drive-app#searchFiles(String) ).
Code is something like:

 // Log the name of every file in the user's Drive that shared with me
var files = DriveApp.searchFiles('sharedWithMe');
while (files.hasNext()) {
var file = files.next();

How to Use Powershell to find files that do not include a specific user in the ACL

Update your commands to the following:

Get-ChildItem 'Z:\Inbox' -Recurse |
Where {(Get-Acl $_.fullname).Access.IdentityReference.Value -notcontains 'domain\user'}

In your attempt, the problem is the chaining of where commands. The Get-ChildItem command returns objects when the Access contains an entry that does not include domain\user as a .IdentityReference.Value. It will almost always have an Access entry that doesn't contain that value since almost every folder contains multiple Access objects.

What you should be after is only returning objects where the Access.IdentityReference.Value collection never contains domain\user.

listing files in UNIX owned by a particular user

It should be possible to use awk togheter with ls -l

ls -l | awk '$3=="user_2" { print $0 }'

this will print all lines where third field (user) matches "user_2"

find command: search for files owned by many users in one command

Try using the -o syntax like this:

find ./ -user john -o -user akido

For further references, check Linux / Unix: Find All The Files Owned By a Particular User / Group

If you want to check the files belonging to users of a specific group:

find ./ -group name_of_group

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