Installing a Fully Functional Postgis 2.0 on Ubuntu Linux Geos/Gdal Issues

PostGIS 2.0.0 install GEOS issue

PostGIS is trying to load the symbols from a different geos library then the one it was compiled with. Search for geos on your system, remove them all and recompile.

Broken PostGIS install after rebuilding GDAL

The simplest way was to just rebuild everything - thanks @joop

Error when installing postgis extension to postgresql database

It's been a while since I've solved this problem, and almost forgot this question i asked before. I found still getting upvote from guys might having this issue.

So basically, I found this issue might be happening because of the postgis plugin which i installed by sudo apt-get install postgis wasn't properly installed into the position which PostgreSQl database preferred. Im really not a linux guy to make sure of this. But seems every time I try installing postgis this way, this error will just show up.

So the cure for this issue is, download, build and install the postgis from the source code.

I followed this wiki. hope its helpful to someone.

Ubuntu 12.04, PostgreSQL-9.1 - Can't access $libdir/postgis-2.0

SOLVED: Some more rooting around led me to the extensions on my PostGIS databases, which I couldn't update to 2.1.0SVN. Re-installing to PostGIS 2.0.3 solved the issue.

Check version/if installed PROJ4

I recommend using pkg-config if you can as it allows you to query

  • if a library is installed
  • what version is installed
  • whether the version passes a minimum version required comparison

and actually just detailed all of that in a comment to the sf repo which is also in the geo-spatial space.


edd@max:~$ pkg-config --atleast-version=2.1.0 gdal && echo "Yes we are good"
edd@max:~$ pkg-config --atleast-version=2.1.0 gdal || echo "Insufficient"

I don't have proj4 installed so I can't illustrate that.

Edit: I spoke too soon -- I do have it:

edd@max:~$ pkg-config --modversion proj
edd@max:~$ pkg-config --atleast-version=4.9.0 proj && echo "Yes"

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