Hugo Version Not Updating to Latest

Hugo version not updating to latest

If you've installed it via the apt package manager, you might be out of luck there, because the official repositories might not be up to date with the latest version of Hugo.

To update the repositories and install the latest available version of hugo, try doing

sudo apt update
sudo apt install hugo

However, I see it's only getting version 0.6x.

If you want to use it on Windows, you could try installing it via Chocolatey or Scoop. Both seem to have version 0.70.x in their repositories, but you'd need to install them first, because they're not Windows out-of-the-box software. Not sure if and how it would work if you use it in the WSL, though.

Otherwise, there's always the good'ol download the binary and save it.

Hugo Error - Current theme does not support current version

If you're not getting the latest version of Hugo using apt then you should attempt to download it directly from the Github repository. Click on the latest release (or whichever version you need). Once you're on the release page, scroll down to the Downloads section and then download the file by clicking on it or by using wget download the compressed file. Then extract the file and run ./hugo version to confirm the version.

blogdown can't find updated version of Hugo

After you blogdown::update_hugo(), you may need to restart your R session. If that does not fix your problem, run blogdown:::find_hugo(); if it returns a path under ~/Library/Application Support, delete the Hugo directory under it, e.g., unlink('~/Library/Application Support/Hugo', recursive = TRUE). Then blogdown::install_hugo().

Trying to install Hugo via Homebrew - Could Not Resolve HEAD to a Revision


git -C $(brew --repository homebrew/core) checkout master


git -C $(brew --repository homebrew/core) reset --hard HEAD

Error installing hugo using blogdown::hugo_install()

The latest Hugo version is 0.69.0
trying URL ''
Content length 649 bytes

According to the message above, the content length doesn't seem to be correct (should be about 13Mb). I don't know why, but you might be behind a firewall. If that's the case, you could download this zip file in your web browser, and pass the local file path of the zip file to blogdown::install_hugo(), e.g.,

# change the path below to the actual path of the zip file on your computer

For the rest of your issues:

I also tried running blogdown:hugo_install(version = 0.69) . When I run that, I get a different error

That is because there is no version 0.69. There is only 0.69.0 (you can check it on the Github releases page).

Lastly, I tried installing the dev version of blogdown, downloading the hugo binary, and then manually installing using blogdown::hugo_install_bin(path_to_unzipped_binary.exe)

The function hugo_install_bin() is not exported from blogdown. You don't really need it (use install_hugo() instead).

Best practice for updating Hugo academic theme installed with install_hugo()

Personally I'd recommend not to update a Hugo theme unless you run into theme bugs or see new features in the newer version of the theme that you really need. It is kind of unpredictable what will happen if you update a theme. That said, I use git submodules to manage Hugo themes myself (and I don't update the submodule unless I really need a newer version). There is more information about this in the Appendix D.7 of the blogdown book.

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