How to Access Google Drive from Cli Cyberduck

How to access Google Drive from CLI CyberDuck?

The news is not good at all. According to this:

CyberDuck support for Google Drive is defunct.


How to authenticate as myself for Google Drive API?

"How do you authenticate with the Google Drive API using your own credentials for your own Google Drive (without creating an application on the Google Developers Console)?"

You can't. The premise of OAuth is that the user is granting access to the application, and so the application must be registered. In Google's case, that's the API/Cloud Console.

In your case, there is no need to register each application that uses your helper scripts. Just create an app called helper_scripts, embed the client Id in your script source, and then reuse those scripts in as many applications as you like.

File not found error when using cyberduck CLI for OneDrive

Just testing this out, it looks like OneDrive sets a unique identifier for the root folder. You can find that by either inspecting the value of the cid parameter in the URL of your OneDrive site or I found it by using the following command

duck --list OneDrive:///

Note, having three slashes is important. It would appear the first two are part of the protocol name and the first specifies you want the root. The result should look like a unique id of some sort like this: 36d25d24238f8242, which you can then use to upload your files like:

duck --upload onedrive://36d25d24238f8242/Backups .\file.txt

Didn't see any of that in the docs... just tinkering with it. So I might recommend opening a bug with duck to update their docs if this works for you.

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