How to Run Elasticsearch 2.1.1 as Root User in Linux MAChine

How to run Elasticsearch 2.1.1 as root user in Linux machine

Based of the following code-snippet looks like you should be able to achieve this by enabling property

Example :

bin/elasticsearch -Des.insecure.allow.root=true

Elasticsearch: Changing data directory on an Amazon Linux Machine

I found it surprising, but in the latest version of Elasticsearch, if you create a data directory inside home of other user, ES is unable to access it. Though logically it is perfect too. What i suggest that you either mount an external hard disk for elasticsearch or create a data directory inside /home/ on the parallel of ec2-user. so you directory should have a path /home/my-data and it will work like a charm. :)

Thanks ,

Unable to open Elasticsearch-head plugin – v2.1.1

You currently have elasticsearch configured to only listen on localhost

You might want to try adding to your elasticsearch.yml the following [networkInterface]

NOTE: This WILL make your cluster listen on public interfaces, so you'l want to bring that firewall back up and restrict access.

Docker Problem, entrypoint doesnt recognize the su-exec command

The cause of the error was that adoptopenjdk/openjdk8:alpinedoes not include the su-exec package. I modified the dockerfile as below:

FROM adoptopenjdk/openjdk8:alpine


# Install required packages
RUN apk add --no-cache bash su-exec
RUN apk add --update tini

COPY elasticsearch-2.1.1.tar.gz /tmp


And adding su-exec package fixed the issue in my case.

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