How to Properly Debug a Bash Script

How to properly debug a bash script

The best way is to use set -xv. The set -v will echo a line before it is executed. The set -x will output the line after the shell script interpolates the variables and expressions in that line.

As part of this, you can also create an environment variable called PS4 which will be the prompt printed each time your shell scripts outputs the line being executed. Most people set it to something like PS="\$LINENO: " which will print out the line number for the line being executed.

Once you're finished, you can turn off debugging by setting set +xv.

# Somewhere in this part of my script, I am having problems....
export PS4="\$LINENO> " # Now, I'll see the line numbers while debugging
set -xv # Debugging is turned on
# Done with debugging
set +xv # Debugging is turned off

How execute bash script line by line?

You don't need to put a read in everyline, just add a trap like the following into your bash script, it has the effect you want, eg.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -x
trap read debug


Works, just tested it with bash v4.2.8 and v3.2.25.


If your script is reading content from files, the above listed will not work. A workaround could look like the following example.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Press CTRL+C to proceed."
trap "pkill -f 'sleep 1h'" INT
trap "set +x ; sleep 1h ; set -x" DEBUG


To stop the script you would have to kill it from another shell in this case.


If you simply want to wait a few seconds before proceeding to the next command in your script the following example could work for you.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
trap "set +x; sleep 5; set -x" DEBUG


I'm adding set +x and set -x within the trap command to make the output more readable.

How can I debug a Bash function that returns a value, and how can I add newlines to a variable?

Why the newlines seemed to disappear from the variable

The newlines are actually retained in the variable. They do not display because the variable in the echo statement is not enclosed in double-quotes. From the code:

echo $x

When using a variable without double-quotes, word splitting is performed. Under the default $IFS (wiki entry on IFS), this means that all collections of whitespace, including newlines and tabs, are replaced with single space.

To avoid that, simply use double quotes as in:

echo "$x"

With that single change, the output of your script becomes:

$ bash a,sh 
---Pre function
---In function
---Post function

The newlines that were always in the variable x are now displayed.

Aside: the two words that remain strung together

Note that the combination worldhello appears on one line because because that is what the code asked for:

printf "Hello\nworld"
echo $'hello\nworld'

The printf does not print a newline after world. Hence, that world appears on the same line as the hello which follows.

Documentation of the Details

man bash explains that double-quotes inhibit word splitting:

If the substitution appears within double quotes, word splitting and pathname expansion are not performed on the results.

Word-splitting happens after variable expansion, command
substitution, and arithmetic expansion:

The shell scans the results of parameter expansion, command
substitution, and arithmetic expansion that did not occur within
double quotes for word splitting.

Another subtlety is that word splitting is performed only if some substitution took place:

Note that if no expansion occurs, no splitting is performed.

Normally, when word splitting is performed, all strings of spaces, tabs, and newlines are replaced by a single space. This default behavior can be changed by changing the value of the IFS variable:

The shell treats each character of IFS as a delimiter, and splits the
results of the other expansions into words on these characters. If
IFS is unset, or its value is exactly , the
default, then sequences of space, tab, and newline at the
beginning and end of the results of the previous expansions are
ignored, and any sequence of IFS characters not at the beginning or
end serves to delimit words. If IFS has a value other than the
default, then sequences of the whitespace characters space and tab are
ignored at the beginning and end of the word, as long as
the whitespace character is in the value of IFS (an IFS whitespace
character). Any character in IFS that is not IFS whitespace, along
with any adjacent IFS whitespace characters, delimits a field. A
sequence of IFS whitespace characters is also treated as a delimiter. If the value of IFS is null, no word splitting occurs.

How to Debug

  1. Use set -x

    Place the line set -x at the beginning of the code that you wish to run. The results of evaluating each line will be displayed as the function is run, each preceded by PS4 (default is +, space) to distinguish it from normal output.

    The debug output can be turned off by including the line set +x.

    set -x and set +x both also work on the command line.

  2. Use stderr

    Send debug output to stderr (file descriptor 2) as follows:

    echo "My Debug Info" >&2

    By default, pipelines and command substitutions only operate on stderr. Consequently, information sent to stderr will, by default, appear on the terminal.

More on echo

By default, echo ignores escape characters and the sequence \n simply means a \ followed by an n:

$ echo "Hello\nworld 4"
Hello\nworld 4

To have \n interpreted as a newline, use -e:

$ echo -e "Hello\nworld 4"
world 4

How to debug a shell script invoked with exec?

You can also export SHELLOPTS from foo.bash as well to export the shell options.


How can I debug the bash prompt?

Most of the shells have debug flags that show the commands being executed. Bash may even have one that shows a command before expansion of variables and after. Have you tried checking (I believe) -c -x or -X flags and see if they show the information you are looking for.

You can set them as first thing in the rc files (most global one) or just pass it down into bash command by invoking it from another shell.

In fact, if you invoke bash from another shell, you can also use script command to record everything you see and do into the file, which makes postmortem analysis so much easier.

bash: debug option and functions

With bash, you can use functrace option in your script

set -o functrace

See manpage for bash for other debugger options.

Graphical debugger for bash

for debugging execute your script with:

bash -x <scriptname>

gui debugger:

Is there a GUI debugger for shell scripts

A useful trick is to start your (executable) bash script with

#!/bin/bash -vx

at least during the debugging phase; you'll get a lot of helpful messages from bash. See bash(1)

If your script is not supposed to be used in a terminal (e.g. it is invoked from a crontab(5) entry) you could also use the logger(1) command.

At last, I believe that bash is not the right tool to do complex scripting. If your script is becoming complex or bigger than a few dozens of lines, consider switching to a better scripting language (like GNU guile, python, gawk, etc...). In general, you should not code a lot in bash. Having pain to debug a bash script is usually a symptom that you should recode that script in a better language.

You may also find useful to generate your shell script. autogen could be useful for that.

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