How to Execute an Local Script in Remote Server with Parameters

how to execute an local script in remote server with parameters

Use the -s option, which forces bash (or any POSIX-compatible shell) to read its command from standard input, rather than from a file named by the first positional argument. All arguments are treated as parameters to the script instead.

ssh user@remote-addr 'bash -s arg' <

Pass arguments to a bash script stored locally and needs to be executed on a remote machine using Python Paramiko

Do the same, what you are doing in the bash:

command = "/bin/bash -s {v1} {v2}".format(v1=var1, v2=var2)
stdin, stdout, stderr = c.exec_command(command)

If you prefer the heredoc syntax, you need to use the single quotes, if you want the argument to be expanded:

command = "/bin/bash -s {v1} {v2} <<'EOF'\n{s}\nEOF".format(v1=var1,v2=var1,s=mymodule)
stdin, stdout, stderr = c.exec_command(command)

The same way as you would have to use the quotes in the bash:

ssh -i key user@IP bash -s "$var1" "$var2" <<'EOF'
echo $1
echo $2

Though as you have the script in a variable in your Python code, why don't you just modify the script itself? That would be way more straightforward, imo.

Obligatory warning: Do not use AutoAddPolicy – You are losing a protection against MITM attacks by doing so. For a correct solution, see Paramiko "Unknown Server".

Execute local script on remote server using non-default shell with Python Paramiko

The #!/bin/bash is a comment. Sending it to a remote shell as a command has no effect.

You have to execute /bin/bash on the server and send your script to it:

stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("/bin/bash", timeout=15)

Also, you have to exit the shell at the end of your script, otherwise it will never end.

Related question:

Pass arguments to a bash script stored locally and needs to be executed on a remote machine using Python Paramiko

execute local script on remote server in expect

Try like this:

spawn bash -c "ssh $idNhost bash -s <"

Executing a local script on a remote Machine

You need to override the arguments:

echo 'set -- arg; cd /place/to/execute' | cat - | ssh -T user@hostname

The above will set the first argument to arg.


set -- arg1 arg2 arg3

will overwrite the $1, $2, $3 in bash.

This will basically make the result of cat - a standalone script that doesn't need any arguments`.

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