Error Message "Go: Go.Mod File Not Found in Current Directory or Any Parent Directory; See 'Go Help Modules'"

Error message go: go.mod file not found in current directory or any parent directory; see 'go help modules'

Yes, just follow the tutorial and for me that was doing go mod init test3 to create a module. No one else has been upgrading from the old version or everyone else just understood it properly I guess.

Error Message : go: go.mod file not found in current directory or any parent directory;

You need to add a go.mod file to your project's root directory.

Use modules to manage dependencies. Official docs:


go mod init project-name

go mod init

go mod init

You may need to use the tidy command to clean up after running one of the above commands.

go mod tidy

Use the path format from above when importing a package into your go file


import (
// Import internal and external packages like this

// Import standard library packages the normal way

go: go.mod file not found in current directory but it already exist in the directory

Okay I solved my problem.

First, my WORKDIR wasn't pointing at the right directory : WORKDIR /go/src/ instead of WORKDIR /work/src/ but it's only because of me using /work instead of /go for the installed packages.

Then I added the follwing after the COPY main.go . command :

RUN  go mod init v1
RUN go mod tidy

Which created the "missing" go.mod file and properly installed the dependencies/packages needed.

The rest of the build went perfectly normal.

Thanks for your help.

Docker build : go: go.mod file not found in current directory or any parent directory

The credit goes to @TheFool, thank you for the documents and guidance.
I read official Docker documents : and also multi staging build blog

Here is the solution I came up with and I can boot my Go application container locally

Dockerfile of mine:

FROM golang:1.17 AS build

COPY . .

RUN go mod init feedme
RUN go mod tidy

RUN go install
RUN go build -gcflags="all=-N -l" -o /feedme
RUN echo $(ls /go/bin)



COPY --from=build /go/bin/dlv /dlv
COPY --from=build /feedme ~/feedme
#ENTRYPOINT [ "/dlv" ]
CMD ["/dlv", "--listen=:2345", "--headless=true", "--api-version=2", "--accept-multiclient", "exec", "~/feedme"]

I boot my container using :

docker run -p 2345:2345 <docker image ID>

Then I tried to curl to it , it does have response:

curl http://localhost:2345

[Edit] Per suggestion from TheFool, I used my local copy of go.mod and go.sum directly in my container. COPY it from my local workspace to container,(rather than generate go.mod in the container) to avoid any unexpected surprise in the future:

Here is the improved version of Dockerfile

FROM golang:1.17 AS build

COPY go/app/parsedata-xml-fp.go .
COPY go.mod . # just copy local go.mod
COPY go.sum .

RUN go install
RUN go build -gcflags="all=-N -l" -o /feedme
RUN echo $(ls /go/bin)



COPY --from=build /go/bin/dlv /dlv
COPY --from=build /feedme ~/feedme
#ENTRYPOINT [ "/dlv" ]
CMD ["/dlv", "--listen=:2345", "--headless=true", "--api-version=2", "--accept-multiclient", "exec", "~/feedme"]

no required module provides package imported-package : go.mod file not found in current directory or any parent directory;

This link posted in a now deleted comment - - provides an explanation for this seemingly (GO)PATH breaking change:-

Most go commands may run in Module-aware mode or GOPATH mode. In
module-aware mode, the go command uses go.mod files to find versioned
dependencies, and it typically loads packages out of the module cache,
downloading modules if they are missing. In GOPATH mode, the go
command ignores modules; it looks in vendor directories and in GOPATH
to find dependencies.

As of Go 1.16, module-aware mode is enabled by default, regardless of
whether a go.mod file is present. In lower versions, module-aware mode
was enabled when a go.mod file was present in the current directory or
any parent directory.


Module-aware mode may be controlled with the GO111MODULE environment
variable, which can be set to on, off, or auto.

If GO111MODULE=off, the go command ignores go.mod files and runs in GOPATH mode.

By turning GO111MODULE off I am able to use GOPATH as documented.

Errors running the first Go project on the local machine

You should not need a GOPATH environment variable with Go 1.16.

  • GO111MODULE=on (won't be needed in Go 1.17 or 1.18)
  • GOPROXY=,direct
  • GOROOT=C:\path\to\go

(GOROOT unless you have installed Go in its default folder: %USERPROFILE%\go)

I tried:

D:\git> git clone
Cloning into 'topshot-sales'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 25, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (25/25), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (18/18), done.
remote: Total 25 (delta 9), reused 21 (delta 6), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (25/25), 16.95 KiB | 5.65 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (9/9), done.

D:\git> cd topshot-sales

D:\git\topshot-sales> go run main.go
go: downloading v0.10.0
go: downloading v2.2.5
panic: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp i/o timeout"

goroutine 1 [running]:
D:/git/topshot-sales/main.go:23 +0x805
exit status 2

No error about go.mod, only a runtime execution error.

no required module provides package go.mod file not found in current directory or any parent directory on intel mac

Since Go 1.16 modules are required so you need to run go mod init <project name>.
Note also that for Fyne you should use the v2 imports now, which are ””. And you should install the fyne tool from

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