(Master) at End of Terminal Prompt

My shell prompt looks like this: ➜ ~ git:(master) ✗. How can I get my normal prompt back?

I know your problem , You are using zsh, right?

If so, you should add export PS1=xxxxx to ~/.zshrc, not ~/.bashrc.

Or you just don't use zsh , input bash and switch to bash.input chsh -s /bin/bash to change the default shell to bash.

git branch ~(END) on terminal?

Git pipes long output into what's called a pager by default, which can make it easier to view the output if it doesn't fit on a screen. The ~ characters indicate that those lines were not in the original output, but it's showing them so that you can scroll down past the bottom (i.e. the last line of output can go up to the top of the screen).

You typically can use the arrow keys to scroll up or down, and can exit by pressing q.

What does (master) next to folder path mean?

master is the default branch in git. you should read the documentation for more details : https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Branching-Branches-in-a-Nutshell

Correct return value in BASH prompt

You do:

..$(__git_ps1)...\`if [[ $? == 0 ]];

The $? is going to be return status of __git_ps1 not the last executed command on command line.

Try saving the exit return value in the first command substitution block right away:

if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then
color_reset=$(tput sgr0)
color_bold=$(tput bold)
color_white=$(tput setaf 7)
color_jobs=$(tput setaf 7)
color_user=$(tput setaf 3)
color_dir=$(tput setaf 4)
color_load=$(tput setaf 5)
color_succeed=$(tput setaf 2)
color_fail=$(tput setaf 1)
sep=$(tput setaf 7)\)
sep=\) # remove the braces...

# note the quotes - "" expand at setting time, '' expand at runtime
PS1+='ret=$?; ' # first thing we do - save the exit return value
PS1+='__git_ps1; '
PS1+='printf "%s" "'
PS1+='"; '
PS1+='if ((ret == 0)); then '
PS1+='printf "%s" "'
PS1+="${color_succeed}" # expand variable on assignment side
PS1+='0"; ' # this looks strange. Just print first the color, then $ret...
PS1+='else '
PS1+='printf "%s" "'
PS1+='$ret"; '
PS1+='fi '
PS1+='\$ ' # note - this is *not* "\$ "

What does “~ (END)” mean when displayed in a terminal?

Git pipes long output into what's called a pager by default, which can make it easier to view the output if it doesn't fit on a screen. The ~ characters indicate that those lines were not in the original output, but it's showing them so that you can scroll down past the bottom (i.e. the last line of output can go up to the top of the screen).

You typically can use the arrow keys to scroll up or down, and can exit by pressing q.

Alternatively, if you don't want the output in a pager, try this:

$ git --no-pager hist --all

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