How to Enter Text at Command Prompt from Shell Script Without Executing Command

How to enter text at command prompt from shell script without executing command?

(Inspired by Abdul Rehman's answer.)

Put this as the last line in your .bashrc file:

read -e -p "(Control-C to cancel) $ " -i "cd some/dir && ./" && eval "$REPLY"
  • read -e lets you enter a string using Readline for editing.
  • The -p provides a pseudo-prompt for this one-time command.
  • The -i provides a default string which you can edit or hit Enter to accept.

If you hit Enter, read sets the value of REPLY and exits with status 0, causing the following eval to execute. (Usually, eval is not a good command to use; however, here you would be presented with an interactive shell anyway, so there's not much risk here.) If you type Control-C instead, read exits with status 1 and the following eval is not executed, leaving you at your command prompt.

How can I run cmd from batch file and add text to line without executing?

Excuse me. I think that the real goal of this question is: "How to prefill the cmd.exe command-line input with an editable string", so the user may just press Enter key to execute the prefilled input, or edit it in any desired way. I copied the method below from this post:

@if (@CodeSection == @Batch) @then

@echo off
rem Enter the prefill value in the keyboard buffer
CScript //nologo //E:JScript "%~F0" "java -jar crawler-1.0.jar"
goto :EOF



Bash: Set up a new command on a new line without executing

How about

read -e -p"$PWD> " -i"ls -al " cmd; eval "$cmd"

Type a text on shell prompt

bash doesn't have a way to "preload" the next input buffer (unlike zsh, in which you can simply use print -z "git checkout $N"). You would need to have mkbranch handle the input (and subsequently execute the entered command) itself.

read -p "Enter your branch name: " N
git branch "$N"
read -e -i "git checkout $N" cmd
eval "$cmd"

-e informs read to use the Readline library for entering the line of text; the -i option preloads the input buffer. (Without the -e the -i doesn't do anything.)

Note that read -e does not itself know anything about bash syntax, so there are no implicit line continuations; this makes it distinctly different from the ordinary bash prompt.

An alternative would be to simply ask the user if they would like to checkout the newly created branch:

read -p "Enter your branch name: " N
git branch "$N"
read -e -i Y -p "Checkout branch $N? (Y/n)"
[[ $REPLY == Y ]] && git checkout "$N"

Hitting enter accepts the pre-loaded Y to trigger the hard-coded `checkout command; any other command skips it. Either way, the script ends and returns to the regular command prompt.

Command Prompt: Execute Commands from Any Text File (Not Having .bat or .cmd Extensions)

you first need an "installation" script :

   @echo off

rem :: A files with .TEST extension will be able to execute batch code but is not perfect as the %0 argument is lost

rem :: "installing" a caller.
if not exist "c:\caller.bat" (
echo @echo off
echo copy "%%~nx1" "%%temp%%\%%~nx1.bat" /Y ^>nul
echo "%%temp%%\%%~nx1.bat" %%*
) > c:\caller.bat

rem :: associating file extension
assoc .test=batps
ftype batps=c:\caller "%%1" %*

then try a simple .test file:

@echo off
for /l (1;1;10) do (
echo testing .TEST extension

In fact ASSOC and FTYPE both have immediate effect so you can start a .test file right after "installation". With direct editing of the registry eventually you can get more control -> How to create file extension that behaves as .cmd/.bat? . Check also drop handlers ->

Simple text cleaning python 3.6 script not giving correct output on executing the script using cmd prompt on windows 10

The cmd shell doesn't understand Python's Unicode escape sequences, so you are receiving literal ASCII characters for the escape codes.

If you want to support translating them, you could change you main call to:


And then your output will be:

i'm deciding between Firestik Firefly, 4' 200w, & Firestik FS-3BK, 3' 650w. Is one better? It's for recreational use on
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