How to Assign a Name for a Screen

How can I assign a name for a screen?

To start a new session

screen -S your_session_name

To rename an existing session

Ctrl+a, : sessionname YOUR_SESSION_NAME Enter

You must be inside the session

Naming a screen session in Linux

You can make use of the -S flag:

screen -S name_for_this_session

GNU screen: set name or title

You can specify names when you create the sessions.

From the manpage:

-S sessionname

When creating a new session, this option can be used to specify a meaningful name for the session. This name identifies the
session for "screen -list" and "screen -r" actions. It substitutes the
[] suffix.

So you would make the command line

$ screen -d -m -t "myscreen" -S "MeaningfulName" ./

create screen session with custom name

screen -S <name> will create it with that name, then screen -x <name> will reconnect, or the -r approaches.

How to change and assign the name of a list?

You’d use (nested) lists for this purpose. At its most rudimentary, this could look as follows:

results = list()

for (var in c('foo', 'bar', 'baz')) {
results[[var]] = list1

This will generate a new list with three items named foo, bar and baz, each of which is a copy of list1. To access the individual values, you’d use e.g. result$foo, or result[['foo']] (the latter is necessary if you have the value’s name stored in a variable, since access via $ doesn’t work with variables on the right-hand side).

You can adapt this for your specific purposes. Do note that, in most cases, the loop would be replaced by a more appropriate function. For instance, the above would be done better using replicate:

result = setNames(replicate(3L, list1, simplify = FALSE), c('foo', 'bar', 'baz'))

Either way, don’t dynamically create variables. It’s never an appropriate solution for this kind of problem. Instead, it makes the code more complex and harder to understand. To keep code as simple as possible, variables should only be created explicitly in code (i.e. by assignments or as function parameters, etc.).

How to assign a name to every view in a storyboard

The way you are supposed to access view elements in code is with the "Tag" item in the attributes inspector. The best way to do this is to set it to a number and then do #define kView1 0 so in code you don't need to remember what number you assigned to view1, you just use the constant.

Tag property

Where it says Tag here, you can set that to any number for each item in your storyboard or xib. Then in code you can say something like:

#define NAME_TAG 0
UIView *nameView = [self.view viewWithTag:NAME_TAG];

React Navigation Tab.Screen set Component as name

The name prop only accepts the string name of the screen you can't pass the component into a name prop.

To give customize the style of your tab you can use it like this

<Tab.Screen name="name" component={FeedScreen} />

tabBarOptions = {
showLabel: false,
style: styles.tabContainer,
tabStyle: styles.tabStyle,

tabScreenOptions = props => {
const { route } = props;
return {
tabBarIcon: ({ focused }) => <TabIcon {...{ route, focused }} />,

const TabIcon = ({ focused, route }) => (
// Here you can use your own component according to your need
style={{ tintColor: focused ? Colors.primary : Colors.white214 }}

Hope this helps you out.

How to use the screen-name value to check a field of a structure In ABAP?

You can dynamically access a screen value by using FIELD-SYMBOLS

screen-name = 'table-field'.

assign (screen-name) to FIELD-SYMBOL(<fs>).

" you must check if the assignement has been done successfully
" before accessing the content
if sy-subrc = 0 and <fs> is initial.

If your ABAP version does not allow inline declaration you can consider this:

screen-name = 'table-field'.

FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs> type any.
assign (screen-name) to <fs>.

if sy-subrc = 0 and <fs> is initial.

C# Screen.DeviceName

Under the covers this just calls the GetMonitorInfo Windows API function. There is no mention of a specific format that the name will always be in in the documentation.

The device name itself being returned is therefore an implementation detail of the OS and potentially liable to change between releases, or in a software update. I'd strongly recommend you don't assume it will always be in that format, even if - for now - it is.

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