How Create a Bash Script with Another Bash Script

How create a bash script with another bash script?

To prevent variables from being expanded in a here-doc, put quotes around the token.

cat <<'EOT'
This is a here-doc
that contains $variable

How best to include other scripts?

I tend to make my scripts all be relative to one another.
That way I can use dirname:


my_dir="$(dirname "$0")"


How to source more than one bash script from a folder in another script so I can use functions from both of that scrips?

Try this,


for file in ./deep/*;
source $file;

Having trouble calling a bash script from another bash script

I figured it out. The exit status is what I need, so I need to call it and set the variable to the exit status stored in $?. The issue is that I was catching the stdout of the other script and storing it in the variable directories_are_same as if it were a return value that I was expecting, when what I needed was its exit status. I could echo something from the other script and then treat the stdout as a returned string, but that is not how this script was designed.

Here is the working test script:


~/bin/compare_directories "$dir_1" "$dir_2"

if [ "$directories_are_same" -eq 3 ]; then
echo "One of the directories $dir_1 and $dir_2 does not have read permissions!"
exit 1
elif [ "$directories_are_same" -eq 4 ]; then
echo "One of the directories $dir_1 and $dir_2 does not exist!"
exit 1
elif [ "$directories_are_same" -eq 5 ]; then
echo "One of the directories $dir_1 and $dir_2 is not a directory!"
exit 1
} >&2

if [ "$directories_are_same" -eq 0 ]; then
echo "The directories $dir_1 and $dir_2 contain identical content"
exit 0
elif [ "$directories_are_same" -eq 1 ]; then
echo "The directories $dir_1 and $dir_2 do not contain identical content"
exit 0
echo "Something went wrong" >&2
exit 1

Now when the directories are different I get:

The directories /home/astral/test and /home/astral/test1 do not contain identical content

and when they are the same I get:

The directories /home/astral/test and /home/astral/test1 contain identical content

bash: how _best_ to create a script from another script

Any way of outputting from the first script will work, so echo or cat with a heredoc should be fine:

cat << EOT
these will be
the lines of
the second script

Launch shell script from another script

You could use an ampersand (&) and launch $1 & ten times. This will make the script run in a fork of the main process. It is an easy way to do parallel processing but definitely not very flexible and doesn't have many features. A simple tutorial can be found here.

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