Date: Extra Operand '+%S'

date: extra operand '+%s'

I changed line 7 to: date +%s -d "$createDate".

This works because it's a GNU date, which doesn't allow you to specify an input format for the date. This fixes the error.

date: extra operand %d' error

The problem here is with date itself. Let's see how.

You are saying:

vDate2=`date --date="2 minutes ago" +%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y`

Because you want to use

date --date="2 minutes ago" +%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y

However, if you try to run it you'll see that you get the error:

date: extra operand ‘%d’

Try 'date --help' for more information.

The problem is that you need to enclose the FORMAT controls within double quotes:

#                             v                  v
$ date --date="2 minutes ago" "+%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"
Aug 25 14:49:31 2016

When this is done, all together your full awk one-liner can be:

awk -v Date="$(date "+%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")" \
-v Date2="$(date --date="2 minutes ago" "+%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")" \
'$5 > Date && $5 < Date2' file

Note I am using -v Date="$(date ...)":

  • $( ) for process substitution, since backticks ` are almost deprecated, ir at least considered legacy.
  • date=" things " to prevent errors if the content has spaces.
  • v var=value using spaces after -v, since -vvar=value is gawk-specific.

Error with the date command in Bash

Following from my comment, your problem is that you cannot assign the result of the date command as you have it written, you need:

time=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %T,%3N")

Output format for dates in a range, with bash

When you use the FORMAT="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M" you need quotes because it contains a space, so:

now=`$DATE +"$FORMAT" -d "$now + 1 day"`

Also, I do not think that you can compare dates like that. You might need timestamp:

date +%s

Couldn't figure out the error at printing custom timestamp in shell script using date?


echo $(date -d $n_incr +%s%N)

$n_incr is expanded to

echo $(date -d +10 mins +%s%N)

Note that +10 mins is not a single argument, but two.

The fix is to quote the argument:

echo $(date -d "$n_incr" +%s%N)

You can also omit $n_incr:

echo $(date -d "+$lp_incr mins" +%s%N)

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