Gradle 1.3: Build.Gradle Not Building Classes

Gradle 1.3: build.gradle not building classes

Without more information, it's hard to say. Maybe you put the source file into the wrong directory (default is src/main/java). Or the internal caches got corrupted (shouldn't happen, but try to delete the .gradle directory).

Do you get class files when you do gradle clean build? Note that a clean build is required whenever you switch between Gradle versions.

Followup to Gradle 1.3: build.gradle not building classes

After I got stuck with the same problem, I hacked around for a bit before I understood the reason for this behavior.
My project structure was like so

- src
- main
- java
- hello

The problem was that the build.gradle is supposed to be under the Project-Root folder i.e. MyProject and not under the hello folder !!!

Changed it so that my Project structure looks like below, ran the gradle build and saw that classes folder was created:

- src
- main
- java
- hello

When you think about it, the build.gradle is used to build the complete project and not just the classes within one folder and should rightfully sit under the project-root folder.

Why there is no .class file in my jar file created by gradle?

You wrote

Of course there are many .java files under /src, but created jar file does not contains .class files.

Gradle, by convention, compiles Java source files from folder src/main/java. Make sure to either put your files in that folder (preferred) or configure Gradle to look into src only.

Further reading: Organizing Gradle Projects

Gradle migration 3.1.4 - 3.5.1; :app module doesn't compile; ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class on path: DexPathList

I found an issue:
One of my packages name vas cvs - seems it is after Gradle 3.2.+ it is reserved word.

Eclipse buildship not configuring classpath from gradle - worked and then broke

Found the problem!

Gradle 7.5.x + Buildship 3.1.6 seem to be broken. When I configured Eclipse (Preferences > Gradle > Specific version) to use 7.4.2 everything worked once again.

I normally have Eclipse Gradle configured to use gradle wrapper. I had upgraded gradle wrapper from 7.4.2 to 7.5.1 from the command line a month ago. Gradle worked fine from the command line but once my dev system rebooted I ran Gradle > Refresh Gradle Project which used 7.5.1 for the first time in eclipse.

Android Test Module (Gradle Plugin 1.3) doesn't work: debug-classes not found

I was also curious about separating app code and test code and i had hard time to figure it out. I look at the stack trace and found the DependencyManager (line 238) having a TODO to fix that in gradle.

1) You are right about the build flavors.You have to enter the correct variant

targetVariant '<flavor>Debug'


targetVariant 'flavor1Debug'

2) You also need to change you targetProjectPath's module build.gradle. Add the following snippet:

android {

// ...

publishNonDefault true

// ...


which publishes all build variants! It its disabled by default due to some limitations of gradle.

Spring boot 1.3.3 is not building with gradle 3.0

Make sure that the build.gradle has the "wrapper" task as below:

task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
gradleVersion = '2.9'

Run the "gradle wrapper" from the command line, it would create the gradle wrappers for unix and windows. Push them to source control so that,there are no manual steps.

gradle wrapper
git add gradlew gradlew.bat gradle
git commit -m "Adding gradle wrapper to git repo"
git push

So all the future builds can be using gradlew

$ ./gradlew build
:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE
:framework:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE


Total time: 42.712 secs

Thanks to answer from Vampire...

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