Find The Depth of The Current Path

Find the depth of the current path

A simple approach in fish:

count (string split / $PWD)

PHP: How do I get the directory depth of the current url?

Here's a function I wrote a few years ago, I use it on my website.
It should help:

function absolute_include($file)
$file is the file url relative to the root of your site. would be passed as

$folder_depth = substr_count($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] , "/");

if($folder_depth == false)
$folder_depth = 1;

include(str_repeat("../", $folder_depth - 1) . $file);

How to determine the depth of file path?

You could do it quite easily using pathlib:

from pathlib import Path

path = Path("directory/folder1/fodler2/folder3/file1.txt")

print(len(path.parents), list(path.parents))

Which gives:

5 [Path('directory/folder1/fodler2/folder3'), Path('directory/folder1/fodler2'), Path('directory/folder1'), Path('directory'), Path('.')]

As can be seen, the results is 5 because "." is also in the list as "directory/folder1/fodler2/folder3/file1.txt" is implicitly equal to "./directory/folder1/fodler2/folder3/file1.txt" so you can always just subtract 1 from the result.

Compared to path.count('/'), this is platform-independent...

How to measure the depth of a file system path?

Define a measure_depth function:

measure_depth() { echo "${*#/}" | awk -F/ '{print NF}'; }

Then, use it as follows:

$ measure_depth /a/b/c/d/e/f
$ measure_depth /a

Get directories from the current to the n-th depth

You can clear the directories returned by os.walk to prevent it from traversing deeper when it has reached your desired depth:

for root, dirs, _ in os.walk(path, topdown=True):
if root == path:

Find highest depth when given a file path

You can do a "depth first search"

def get_depth(path, depth=0):
if not os.path.isdir(path): return depth
maxdepth = depth
for entry in os.listdir(path):
fullpath = os.path.join(path, entry)
maxdepth = max(maxdepth, get_depth(fullpath, depth + 1))
return maxdepth

which is the general approach to your solution but I think that you forgot to count that regular files have depth one greater than the directory that they are in.

React - Nested routes - Get depth of current URL

Just pass the depth variable into the next component.

function Node({depth = 0}) {

const { id } = useParams();
const { url, path } = useRouteMatch();

const { loading, data } = useApi(NODES);
const { nodes } = data || {};

return (
<h2>Level 1</h2>
nodes?.map(x =>
<p key={}>
<Link to={`${url}/${}`}>

<Route path={`${path}/:id`}>
<Node depth={depth + 1}/>

C# Best way to get folder depth for a given path?

Off the top of my head:


How to exclude this / current / dot folder from find type d

POSIX 7 solution:

find . ! -path . -type d

For this particular case (.), golfs better than the mindepth solution (24 vs 26 chars), although this is probably slightly harder to type because of the !.

To exclude other directories, this will golf less well and requires a variable for DRYness:

find "$D" ! -path "$D" -type d

My decision tree between ! and -mindepth:

  • script? Use ! for portability.
  • interactive session on GNU?

    • exclude .? Throw a coin.
    • exclude long_name? Use -mindepth.

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