Ffmpeg Error in Linux

Ffmpeg error in linux

Basically, to find the file:

sudo find / -name libavdevice.so.52

For example, you've found this file in the /usr/local/lib. Next include that library into your library path. Add this to your /etc/ld.so.conf:


And finally after modifying this file run this:

sudo ldconfig

Reference: Ffmpeg: error while loading shared libraries: libavdevice.so.52: cannot open shared object file

ffmpeg: error while loading shared libraries: libopenh264.so.5

I faced this error when I run ffmpeg 4.2.2 under python 3.8 environment.

The root cause is that libopen264.so from python 3.8 is too new for ffmpeg 4.2.2.
I can find
libopen264.so.6 under the ~/anaconda3/envs/py38/lib/ (py38 is my conda virtual environment), but we only need an older version libopen264.so.5.

To solve the problem, I just make a softlink from my existing anaconda environment (python 3.7) as follows - and it works.

ln -s ~/anaconda3/lib/libopenh264.so ~/anaconda3/envs/py38/lib/libopenh264.so.5

FFMpeg; Error when mixing two audio stream

You should update your ffmpeg. Apparently you installed it by default in ubuntu like this:

apt-get install ffmpeg

that installs the version you mentioned.
You can install it from git repo like this:

apt-get install libvorbis-dev
apt-get install libvpx-dev
git clone https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg ffmpeg
cd ffmpeg
./configure --extra-cflags=-I/opt/local/include --extra-ldflags=-L/opt/local/lib --enable-nonfree --enable-libvpx --enable-libvorbis
make install

You can test it when you installed by this:


Please pay attention that you can't run ffmpeg like before. You have to address that to /root/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.

FFmpeg Drawbox Errors?

You're using arbitrary, unsupported variables. Refer to the drawbox documentation for a list of supported variables (under the section "The parameters for x, y, w and h and t are expressions containing the following constants").

I can only guess what you are trying to do, but here is a simplified valid example:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -filter_complex "[0]drawbox=x=-140:y=(((ih-h)/2) - 205):w=840:h=490:color=white@0.2:t=fill" output.mp4

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