Creating Symbolic Link: Protocol Error

creating symbolic link: Protocol error

It's a problem with the host filesystem. Check the permissions on the host folder are adequate and the the host filesystem supports symlinks.

ln: failed to create symbolic link: Protocol error (in Vagrant)

I noticed that php artisan storage:link was now causing a "Protocol error" too.

So to narrow down the problem I created a totally fresh Homestead project and box and tried creating symlinks (including php artisan storage:link) in there but got the "Protocol error" too.

And I was very careful to be using Git Bash (my terminal / command line client) as Administrator, so I was already following the advice of most answers on StackExchange.

I also decided to move one of my Windows folders (the one that I'd had Homestead map to /home/vagrant/foo/) to be within the Windows folder that Homestead mapped to /home/vagrant/Code/.*

I decided to restart Windows 10 completely. Now after spinning up new vagrant boxes, php artisan storage:link and creating my other symlink worked.

*I'm not sure moving the Windows folder was even necessary. Maybe I could have left the folders on separate Windows drives. But at the time, I wanted to minimize possible complications.

Laravel 5.3 storage:link - symlink(): Protocol error

Your problem probably is that you have to start your vagrant box as a system administrator.

So hit start type "cmd", right click it choose "Run as administrator". Navigate to your project, type "vagrant up". Retry the command.

Creating symbolic link on Homestead?

creating symbolic link: Protocol error

It's a problem with the host filesystem. Check the permissions on the host folder are adequate and the the host filesystem supports symlinks.

Symbolic link issues on Laravel/Homestead/Windows

Here are the best steps I've come up with

  1. Unlink storage on your current Vagrant instance
  2. Halt vagrant vagrant halt
  3. Run CMD/Terminal as Administration (Right click > Run as administrator)
  4. Go to your Homestead folder and start vagrant vagrant up --provision
  5. SSH into vagrant vagrant ssh while still in the same CMD/Terminal
  6. CD into your Laravel directory and run php artisan storage:link

I've seen people have issues while the vagrant box has not been started in the CMD administration mode.

Hope this helps.

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