Create Tar with Same Name as File But in Different Folder

Create tar with same name as file but in different folder

Just run this simple shell script from inside your directory:

for file in *; do tar -czf $file.tar.gz $file; done

The result will be a new .tar.gz file for each one of the files inside the directory you're in.
If you wish to create the tar archives in another directory, just change the path that's right after the -cf flags. For example, if you wish to create the archives in another directory that's located in the same directory as your current one, write:

for file in *; do tar -czf ../<Other_Directory>/$file.tar.gz $file; done

is it possible to create a tar of any file which will give different file name after untar

Try the following set/sequence of commands:
assuming your original file is can try this..

$ tar -cvf test.tar a.b_backup
$ tar --transform='s/_backup//' -xf test.tar
$ ls

How do I tar a directory of files and folders without including the directory itself?

cd my_directory/ && tar -zcvf ../my_dir.tgz . && cd - 

should do the job in one line. It works well for hidden files as well. "*" doesn't expand hidden files by path name expansion at least in bash. Below is my experiment:

$ mkdir my_directory
$ touch my_directory/file1
$ touch my_directory/file2
$ touch my_directory/.hiddenfile1
$ touch my_directory/.hiddenfile2
$ cd my_directory/ && tar -zcvf ../my_dir.tgz . && cd ..
$ tar ztf my_dir.tgz

How to tar compress specific and multiple files without changing of name in Bash?


 find "$PWD/myDir" -name "*.exe" | tar -cf archive -T -

This will not do anything interesting.

Better suggesting to feed tar command with results from find command

  tar czf your_compressed_file.tar.gz $(find ./myDir -name "*.exe")

Notice tar cf is not compressed. But tar czf is compressed.

You can also add -v option to see what are the compressed files:

  tar czfv your_compressed_file.tar.gz $(find ./myDir -name "*.exe")

Staying in another folder, how can i tar specific files from another directory?

You can edit the names in the tar command to remove the path. (Assuming that you have GNU tar.)

tar -cf /home/A/Sample1.tar --transform 's,.*/\([^/]*\),\1,' /home/B/ZSBSDP4/*.csv

Note that if you specify more source directories on the command, you could accidentally put more than one file with the same name in the tar file. Then when unpacking, the last one will overwrite those with the same name that precede it.

How to create tar file with only certain extensions but omitting server generated files with similar extension?

tar -tf file.tar --wildcards '*.jpg' --exclude '*.*.jpg'



Just change -t to -x to extract instead.

To create the archive:

tar -cf file.tar *.jpg --wildcards --exclude '*.*.jpg'

untar multiple tar files with identical names to a concatenated/appended file

With GNU tar:

tar -xvzf "tar${fileno}.tar.gzip" --transform 's/.*/file'"${fileno}"'.csv/' --show-transformed-names

This extracts tar42.tar.gzip to current directory and names its file to file42.csv. I assume that the archive contains only one file.

Making archive from files with same names in different directories

What I have used to make a tar ball for the files with same name in different directories is

$find <path> -name <filename> -exec tar -rvf data.tar '{}' \;

i.e. tar [-]r --append

Hope this helps.

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