Capturing Performance with Pcap VS Raw Socket

Does libpcap use raw sockets underneath them?

"libpcap" and "raw sockets" are different topics.

Libpcap is a packet capture library for linux which is used to capture the traffic/packets that pass through a network interface like eth0.

On windows the Winpcap library does the same thing.

Raw sockets are a feature of the socket api provided by the OS that can be used to send packets with headers defined by the application and not the OS. So using raw sockets we can specify the IP , TCP headers and send the packets.

Raw sockets are available on Linux since all time. On Windows raw sockets were available only in Windows XP and Windows XP(SP1).

On windows the winpcap library has a feature to send packets with arbitrary content , which means raw socket functionality can be achieved with winpcap on Windows.

Sockets VS WinPcap

Sockets (.NET, Winsock, etc.) normally collect at layer 7, the Application layer. That is, whatever is sent by the sender is what is received by the receiver. All of the various headers that are added automatically on the sending side are stripped off by the time the receiver reads the data from the socket.

It is possible to configure a socket to be a raw socket, in which case, you can see all of the headers down to layer 3, the Network layer. Further still, you can put the raw socket in promiscuous mode, which allows you to see all of the traffic on the network, not just the packets destined for your machine. But even this is limited. For example, when you configure the raw socket, you specify the protocol type to use, e.g., IP, ICMP, etc. This limits the socket to "seeing" packets that adhere to that protocol. I have been unable to figure out how to make the socket see all packets at layer 3 regardless of protocol.

Winpcap operates as a device driver at layer 2, the Data Link layer. In this case, you see literally all of the packets on the network with full headers down to layer 2. Winpcap also offers filtering capability so you can narrow down the packets that are reported to you based on whatever criteria you provide.

As far as choosing between them, it really boils down to the requirements of your specific task. If you are trying to implement any kind of realistic network analysis capability, you'll be hardpressed to do that with just sockets. Winpcap makes more sense in that case. However, if you are only interested in IP packets, for example, then sockets will work fine for that.

PCap performance

I believe Pcap.Net is faster than other wrappers since it uses C++/CLI wrapping instead of PInvoke.

In general I've never encountered performance issues with WinPcap (it also depends how you use it).

capturing user data using pcap in c

Here is an example:

* Use pcap_open_live() to open a packet capture device.
* Use pcap_dump() to output the packet capture data in
* binary format to a file for processing later.

#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pcap.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>

#define IFSZ 16
#define FLTRSZ 120
#define MAXHOSTSZ 256
#define PCAP_SAVEFILE "./pcap_savefile"

extern char *inet_ntoa();

usage(char *progname)
printf("Usage: %s <interface> [<savefile name>]\n", basename(progname));

main(int argc, char **argv)
pcap_t *p; /* packet capture descriptor */
struct pcap_stat ps; /* packet statistics */
pcap_dumper_t *pd; /* pointer to the dump file */
char ifname[IFSZ]; /* interface name (such as "en0") */
char filename[80]; /* name of savefile for dumping packet data */
char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; /* buffer to hold error text */
char lhost[MAXHOSTSZ]; /* local host name */
char fltstr[FLTRSZ]; /* bpf filter string */
char prestr[80]; /* prefix string for errors from pcap_perror */
struct bpf_program prog; /* compiled bpf filter program */
int optimize = 1; /* passed to pcap_compile to do optimization */
int snaplen = 80; /* amount of data per packet */
int promisc = 0; /* do not change mode; if in promiscuous */
/* mode, stay in it, otherwise, do not */
int to_ms = 1000; /* timeout, in milliseconds */
int count = 20; /* number of packets to capture */
u_int32 net = 0; /* network IP address */
u_int32 mask = 0; /* network address mask */
char netstr[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; /* dotted decimal form of address */
char maskstr[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; /* dotted decimal form of net mask */
int linktype = 0; /* data link type */
int pcount = 0; /* number of packets actually read */

* For this program, the interface name must be passed to it on the
* command line. The savefile name may be optionally passed in
* as well. If no savefile name is passed in, "./pcap_savefile" is
* used. If there are no arguments, the program has been invoked
* incorrectly.
if (argc < 2)

if (strlen(argv[1]) > IFSZ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid interface name.\n");
strcpy(ifname, argv[1]);

* If there is a second argument (the name of the savefile), save it in
* filename. Otherwise, use the default name.
if (argc >= 3)
strcpy(filename, PCAP_SAVEFILE);

* Open the network device for packet capture. This must be called
* before any packets can be captured on the network device.
if (!(p = pcap_open_live(ifname, snaplen, promisc, to_ms, errbuf))) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening interface %s: %s\n",
ifname, errbuf);

* Look up the network address and subnet mask for the network device
* returned by pcap_lookupdev(). The network mask will be used later
* in the call to pcap_compile().
if (pcap_lookupnet(ifname, &net, &mask, errbuf) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error looking up network: %s\n", errbuf);

* Create the filter and store it in the string called 'fltstr.'
* Here, you want only incoming packets (destined for this host),
* which use port 69 (tftp), and originate from a host on the
* local network.

/* First, get the hostname of the local system */
if (gethostname(lhost,sizeof(lhost)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error getting hostname.\n");

* Second, get the dotted decimal representation of the network address
* and netmask. These will be used as part of the filter string.
inet_ntop(AF_INET, (char*) &net, netstr, sizeof netstr);
inet_ntop(AF_INET, (char*) &mask, maskstr, sizeof maskstr);

/* Next, put the filter expression into the fltstr string. */
sprintf(fltstr,"dst host %s and src net %s mask %s and udp port 69",
lhost, netstr, maskstr);

* Compile the filter. The filter will be converted from a text
* string to a bpf program that can be used by the Berkely Packet
* Filtering mechanism. The fourth argument, optimize, is set to 1 so
* the resulting bpf program, prog, is compiled for better performance.
if (pcap_compile(p,&prog,fltstr,optimize,mask) < 0) {
* Print out appropriate text, followed by the error message
* generated by the packet capture library.
fprintf(stderr, "Error compiling bpf filter on %s: %s\n",
ifname, pcap_geterr(p));

* Load the compiled filter program into the packet capture device.
* This causes the capture of the packets defined by the filter
* program, prog, to begin.
if (pcap_setfilter(p, &prog) < 0) {
/* Copy appropriate error text to prefix string, prestr */
sprintf(prestr, "Error installing bpf filter on interface %s",
* Print error to screen. The format will be the prefix string,
* created above, followed by the error message that the packet
* capture library generates.

* Open dump device for writing packet capture data. In this sample,
* the data will be written to a savefile. The name of the file is
* passed in as the filename string.
if ((pd = pcap_dump_open(p,filename)) == NULL) {
* Print out error message if pcap_dump_open failed. This will
* be the below message followed by the pcap library error text,
* obtained by pcap_geterr().
"Error opening savefile \"%s\" for writing: %s\n",
filename, pcap_geterr(p));

* Call pcap_dispatch() to read and process a maximum of count (20)
* packets. For each captured packet (a packet that matches the filter
* specified to pcap_compile()), pcap_dump() will be called to write
* the packet capture data (in binary format) to the savefile specified
* to pcap_dump_open(). Note that packet in this case may not be a
* complete packet. The amount of data captured per packet is
* determined by the snaplen variable which is passed to
* pcap_open_live().
if ((pcount = pcap_dispatch(p, count, &pcap_dump, (char *)pd)) < 0) {
* Print out appropriate text, followed by the error message
* generated by the packet capture library.
sprintf(prestr,"Error reading packets from interface %s",
printf("Packets received and successfully passed through filter: %d.\n",

* Get and print the link layer type for the packet capture device,
* which is the network device selected for packet capture.
if (!(linktype = pcap_datalink(p))) {
"Error getting link layer type for interface %s",
printf("The link layer type for packet capture device %s is: %d.\n",
ifname, linktype);

* Get the packet capture statistics associated with this packet
* capture device. The values represent packet statistics from the time
* pcap_open_live() was called up until this call.
if (pcap_stats(p, &ps) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error getting Packet Capture stats: %s\n",

/* Print the statistics out */
printf("Packet Capture Statistics:\n");
printf("%d packets received by filter\n", ps.ps_recv);
printf("%d packets dropped by kernel\n", ps.ps_drop);

* Close the savefile opened in pcap_dump_open().
* Close the packet capture device and free the memory used by the
* packet capture descriptor.

libpcap or PF_PACKET?

As far as I know, libpcap put a timestamp on each packet.

No, libpcap gets a timestamp for the packet from the OS packet capture mechanism that it uses - which, on Linux is...

...PF_PACKET sockets.

The Linux kernel time stamps incoming packets. PF_PACKET sockets have multiple ways of reading from them:

  • regular socket receives, for which you can either get a time stamp with an explicit ioctl (so you can avoid fetching it to userland, but you can't avoid the kernel time stamping the packet in the first place; libpcap, when using regular socket receives, always asks for the time stamp);
  • memory-mapped access, which always supplies the time stamp.

Libpcap uses memory-mapped access whenever it's available; if you care about capture performance, you probably want to do so as well. It's not easy to use, however.

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