Xmlhttprequest; Cross Origin Requests Are Only Supported for Protocol Schemes: Http, Data, Chrome, Chrome-Extension, Https, Chrome-Extension-Resource

Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, https

you must run your app in the server , use node js

1- Install NodeJS // Hint: If you're on a Mac, you want to install and use Homebrew for this

2- Open your favorite terminal emulator

2- Install http-server by running: npm install http-server -g

3- Start http-server by running: http-server 'path/to/your/angular/root/directory' -o

That last command — specifically, the -o flag — should open a browser window at: localhost:8080

OR// use cd to find your directory app

and use this command : http-server . -o

"." mean your current directory

you can see : https://teamtreehouse.com/community/i-am-not-able-to-load-my-json-file

Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP. error when loading a local file

My crystal ball says that you are loading the model using either file:// or C:/, which stays true to the error message as they are not http://

So you can either install a webserver in your local PC or upload the model somewhere else and use jsonp and change the url to http://example.com/path/to/model

Origin is defined in RFC-6454 as

   ...they have the same
scheme, host, and port. (See Section 4 for full details.)

So even though your file originates from the same host (localhost), but as long as the scheme is different (http / file), they are treated as different origin.

CORS Error: “requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http…” etc

XMLHttpRequest cannot load localhost:4201/ticker. Cross origin
requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome,
chrome-extension, https.

Any time you see that “only supported for protocol schemes” message, it almost certainly means you’ve just forgotten to put the https or http on the request URL in your code.

So in this case, the fix is to use the URL http://localhost:4201/ticker in your code here:

this._baseUrl = 'http://localhost:4201/';

…because without the http:// there, localhost:4201/ticker isn’t really the URL you intend.

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