Why Escape_JavaScript Before Rendering a Partial

Error while rendering partial using escape_javascript in Rails?

Your @search_financial_institutions variable is an Active Record relation, a collection of records. You're trying to call financial_institution on that collection, and the collection doesn't respond to that method, the individual records in that collection do.

If you want to display every record in your collection, try changing your search/_financial_institution.html.erb file to:

<% institutions.each do |institution| %>
<% end %>

Rails escape_javascript breaks javascript used in partial

This is what happens:

After your site was loaded, your js kicks in and binds the click event handler to #relation-contact-button. Then you do whatever and call your ajax handler

$("#datas-user").html("<%= escape_javascript(render :partial => '/pro/users/show_partial', :locals => { :id => @user.id }) %>");

everything inside #datas-user is removed and replaced with your partial and no event listener is bound to anything, since the element which your handler was bound to is gone. You have to either bind your handler to the newly rendered #relation-contact-button again in your ajax success handler, or use:

$("#datas-user").on("click", "#relation-contact-button", function(){

instead of


See the .on() doc for more information.

Rails 4: escape_javascript render partial not working

The code under app/assets can not call render. Actually it can not call almost anything except a very few methods.

Move it somewhere to app/views/somethings/analysis.js.erb

Where somethings is the name of your controller in plural form, so just put it near the _analysis.html.erb.

Rendering a partial and escaping the html/javascript for a bookmarklet

I don't know why you try to eval something if I understand what you want to do correctly.

Use json and render_to_string if you want to pass html by javascript. So for your example:

# controller
def action_name
content =
partial: 'events/bookmarklet',
formats: [:html], # always render html format, even if request wants json
layout: false # render only partial, without any layout

render json: { html: content }

You can access the content in javascript by data.html then.

Escape Javascript when rendering a html.erb partial from within a controller

I thought more complicated than it really is. All stuff using <%= %> is by secure by default (as HTML tags are automatically escaped in Rails >= 3). And so the above scenario is also no risk as the database content is inserted that way into the partial.

Partial won't render when replacing html with jQuery and escape_javascript

I have put my js in a js.erb-file, and finally managed to use my variables in the right way.

Here's my code:

$('#id' + '<%= @id %>' + '_show').html('<%= escape_javascript(raw render :partial => 'form', :locals => {:@resource => Resource.find_by_id(@id)}).html_safe %>')

And in the controller:
format.js { @id = params[:id]}

In the view: <%= link_to t('edit'), resources_path(:id => resource.id), :remote => true %>

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