Cross Domain Localstorage with JavaScript

Sharing localStorage data between different domains using iframe not working

The script tag is before the iframe tag. It is also executed before the iframe is created. Hence, searching for ifr returns null and null does not have a contentWindow, which throws an error. You will need to postpone the JS execution after the page load, like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
function postCrossDomainMessage(msg) {
var win = document.getElementById("ifr").contentWindow;
win.postMessage(msg, "");
function load() {
var postMsg = { login: "user" }; // this is just example
<script src="index.js"></script>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<body onload="load()">
style="display: none"

Note that the load function is not executed in the script tag, only defined. It is the onload event defined in body that triggers it.


The line of localStorage.setItem("localstorage",; stores an item into localStorage with the key of 'localStorage' and the value of [Object object], because into localStorage you will store strings. So, you will need to stringify the object that you have. So, you will need to do something like

localStorage.setItem("localstorage", JSON.stringify(;

And you can read from it via



Sample Image

Local Storage Cross Domain - Safari disables it by default

You may try Store.JS. As per the docs:

store.js exposes a simple API for cross browser local storage

Use localStorage across subdomains

This is how I use it across domains...

  • Use an iframe from your parent domain - say parent.example
  • Then on each child.example domain, just do a postMessage to your parent.example iframe
  • All you need to do is setup a protocol of how to interpret your postMessage messages to talk to the parent.example iframe.

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