What Is Ajax and How Does It Work

How does AJAX work without reloading the page?

You are mixing jQuery with Knockout. The submit is handled by jQuery. If you use Knockout, let it to handle the submit event adding to the <form> this submit: submitShortlistForm,:

<form id="shortlistForm" data-bind="submit: submitShortlistForm, style: { display: application.isShortlisted === false ? 'inline-block' : 'none'}, attr: {action: '@(MVC.GetLocalUrl(MVC.HireOrgJobApplication.ViewApplication(Model.CurrentOrganization.CustomUrl, Model.Job.JobKey, "xxx/ajax-shortlist")))'.replace('xxx', application.applicationKey)}" method="post" style="display:inline;">
<input type="hidden" name="ApplicationKey" data-bind="attr:{ value : application.applicationKey }" />
<button type="submit" class="btn-act jui-tooltip" title="Shortlist">
<i class="fa fa-2x fa-star"></i>

Then, in your view model add this:

self.submitShortlistForm = function(){
// I think is better to use $.post() or $.ajax().
// I use the pluging because is in your question.
$('form#shortlistForm').ajaxForm(function () {
// Allways change position [0] of the observable array
self.applications()[0].isShortlisted = true;

var data = self.applications().slice(0);

In the Knockout submit event I bind the form with the ajaxForm plugin, and then I submit it. I'm not sure about jQuery Plugin, I would use $.post() or $.ajax().

You could find more information about Knockout submit in this link The "submit" binding.

I don't like this solution because you are removing all the content of the self.applications observable array. Is better to use the mapping plugin and convert all application objects (and its content) in observables. But with this approach, you should modify your ViewModel and the view.

Update 1 (19/06/2017)

If this <form> is inside a foreach loop, then the self.submitShortlistForm could be this:

self.submitShortlistForm = function(application){
$('form#shortlistForm').ajaxForm(function () {
// Updates the current row element.
application.isShortlisted = true;

var data = self.applications().slice(0);

And the html:

<form id="shortlistForm" data-bind="submit: $root.submitShortlistForm, ...">

Hope this helps.

How Does AJAX work

Assuming myAjaxCall is an ajax wrapper, and the first argument is the complete callback, the answer is "more code" will run before abcd function. But I'd need to see myAjaxCall function to know what is really going on.

Remember, the complete callback happens when ajax retruns. "more code" executes in the normal execution path.

How does jquery ajax actually work

Issue is with your code
var data = 'uname=' + name;
var data = '{uname:' + name + '}';
because its a post method

Difference between react.js and Ajax

Ajax is used to refresh a web page without having to reload it : it sends a request to the server, but typically the response is processed by the javascript that displays dynamically a new element on the browser without having to reload the entire page.

React is a javascript library that dynamically update the page with inferface components. The components are calculated either by javascript interactions or by an ajax request that go through the server. So ReactJS can also use Ajax requests to update the page.

Mustache and Handlebars are a bit different from ReactJS as the main goal is to transform a template in a component that will be displayed in a page. It can also use Ajax to get data (for getting templates or json datas).

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