Vuejs Set Active Class, When One Li Element Clicked in V-For Loop

VueJs set active class, when one li element clicked in v-for loop

Add a data property called activeIndex:

  data() {
return {
activeIndex: undefined

and your setActive method:

  methods: {
setActive(subscription, index) {
this.activeIndex = index;
this.userSubscription.subscription_key = subscription.subscription_key
getSubscriptions() {
// fetch subscriptions in this.subscriptions var
// select preselected subscription, when fetching subscriptions
let userSubscriptionKey = this.userSubscription.subscription_key;
let indexOfObject = this.subscriptions.findIndex(
o => o.subscription_key === userSubscriptionKey
this.setActive(this.userSubscription, indexOfObject);


with a slight modification to your template:

<li v-for="(s, index) in subscriptions"
:class="{ 'active': activeIndex === index }" :key=""
@click="setActive(s, index)">
{{ }}

You basically set an index that should be active and that's it. active css class is added when list element's index is the same as activeIndex.

As for setting activeIndex to existing choice before the user changes it, you can set activeIndex when fetching subscriptions data to user's current subscription.


VueJs set active class to the data coming from API, when one li element is clicked in V-for loop

Add property called activeId to your data object and update it in the selectCountry method:

data() {
return {
defaultCountry: "CST",
Options: [],


in the template add the class binding :

<li class="country-menu-item" :class="{'active'}" v-for="item in Options" 

VueJs set active class, when One li element is clicked in dropdown using V-for loop

First your data option should be a function that returns an object, second use a computed property based on help property to add class field :

openTypeView: false,
active_id: 1,
help: [

name: "Users",
id: 1,
liId: 'g1',
class: 'active',
name: "Profile",
id: 2,
liId: 'g2',
class: '',
return item;

then loop through that computed property :

 <li class="type-li-item" v-for="item in customHelp" :id="item.liId" 

:key="" :class="item.class" @click="">
<span>{{ }}</span>

How to set active class in vue 3 on active item when clicked

I used selectedItem.value in setup.

This is because in the setup function, selectedItem has a type of Ref, where in the template the internal value is directly available that's why we use there as selectedItem simply.

Also i modified :class code a bit which makes it work.

<ul class="items">
v-for="(item, index) in items"
:class="{ active: index == selectedItem }"
{{ item }}
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent,ref } from "vue"
export default defineComponent({
name: "Test",
props: {
id: Number,
item: Object,
setup(props) {
const selectedItem = ref(0)
let isActive = false

const items = ["A", "B", "C", "D"]
const selectItem = (i: number) => {
selectedItem.value = i
items.forEach((item, index) => {
return (isActive = item == items[index])
return selectedItem


return {

Active a item inside a v-for loop when clicked

Your code has a couple problems:

  • instead of :style="panel.color", you should put in an object, so it should be :style="{ color: panel.color }"
  • you forgot to add a click handler, i.e., you should add v-on:click="..."

Note: To simplify things, I didn't use your getPanels but use an array instead, it shouldn't affect how you understand how everything works.

const app = new Vue({  el: '#app',  data: {    panels: [      {section: 'One', action: 'Action 1', color: 'red' },      {section: 'Two', action: 'Action 2', color: 'blue' },      {section: 'Three', action: 'Action 3', color: 'green' },      {section: 'Four', action: 'Action 4', color: 'orange' },      {section: 'Five', action: 'Action 5', color: 'purple' }    ],    activeItem: -1  },  methods: {    clickHandler(idx) {      this.activeItem = idx    }  }});
.active {    opacity: 0.7;}
<script src=""></script><div id="app">    <div class="panel panel-default">    <ul class="list-group">      <li         class="list-group-item"        v-for="(panel, index) in panels"        :class="{active: index === activeItem}"         :style="{ color: panel.color }"        v-on:click="clickHandler(index)"      >        A section {{panel.section}} was {{panel.action}}      </li>    </ul>  </div>

setting one line item 'active' at a time in vue

You need to use a unique identifier to determine which comment is active. In the most rudimentary way using your current setup:

<li class="commentToggle" 
v-bind:class="{active:commentActive === 'new'}"
New Comment
<li class="commentToggle"
v-bind:class="{active:commentActive === 'note'}"
setInputName(str) {
this.inputName = str;
this.commentActive = str;

The adjustment that we made is to ensure that the commentActive matches the str that we've used. You can change that identifier to anything else, and pass additional arguments if you so choose.

How to put class="active" to first element in vuejs for loop

const TextComponent = {
template: `
<p>{{ text }}</p>

props: ['text'],

new Vue({
components: {

template: `
v-for="(item, index) in items"
:class="{ 'active': index === 0 }"

data: {
items: [
{ text: 'Foo' },
{ text: 'Bar' },
{ text: 'Baz' },
.active {
background-color: red;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<div id="app"></div>
<script src=""></script>

Vue: Set active class - get current DOM element

Something like this… ?

<div id="app">
<button :class="{'active': selected === 'a'}" @click="selected = 'a'">{{ message }}</button>
<button :class="{'active': selected === 'b'}" @click="selected = 'b'">{{ message }}</button>
<button :class="{'active': selected === 'c'}" @click="selected = 'c'">{{ message }}</button>


You can also use watchers to detect when values are changed. (demo), or run function as you did like (demo) or (demo), but don't do something like (demo)

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