How to Tell Chrome Web Debugger to Show the Current Mouse Position in Page Coordinates

Is there a way to tell Chrome web debugger to show the current mouse position in page coordinates?

You could type this into the console,

document.onmousemove = function(e){
var x = e.pageX;
var y = e.pageY; = "X is "+x+" and Y is "+y;

This will give you mouse position on mouse move in the element tooltip.

How do I view the x and y position of an element through Chrome DevTools?

You could type this into the console,

document.onmousemove = function(e){
var x = e.pageX;
var y = e.pageY; = "X is "+x+" and Y is "+y;

This will give you mouse position on mouse move in the element tooltip.

obtain mouse coordinates through chrome extension

Getting the mouse coordinates is very simple, put this in a content script:

document.onmousemove = function(e)
var x = e.pageX;
var y = e.pageY;
// do what you want with x and y

Essentially, we are assigning a function to the onmousemove event of the entire page, and getting the mouse coordinates out of the event object (e).

However, I'm not entirely sure what you mean by this:

then use these coordinates to check if the person has clicked in that position ?

Do you want to check if a user clicks something like a button? In that case you can simply subscribe an event to that button (or any other element) like this:

document.getElementById("some_element").onclick = function(e)
alert("User clicked button!");

To record all mouse clicks and where they are:

document.onclick = function(e)
//, e.srcElement and e.toElement contains the element clicked.
alert("User clicked a " + + " element.");

Note that the mouse coordinates are still available in the event object (e).

If you need the coordinates when a user clicks an arbitrary location, this does the trick:

document.onclick = function(e)
var x = e.pageX;
var y = e.pageY;
alert("User clicked at position (" + x + "," + y + ")")

How to get cursor position in a Chrome DevTools source editor from extension?

This has been explained as per reported Chrome Issue 747888:

So first of all, setOpenResourceHandle() is for the cases when users click a link (e.g. a linkified location in console) that normally results in opening a source tab in DevTools, it's not meant to be fired when a file is explicitly opened in the source panel. For changes of the file/position within the sources tab, we've got chrome.devtools.panels.sources.onSelectionChanged (see a layout test for example usage) that was recently brought back by @jacobr).

Here is the mentioned code example:

function extension_testElementsOnSelectionChanged(nextTest)
function onSelectionChanged()
output("onSelectionChanged fired");
webInspector.inspectedWindow.eval("inspect(document.body.children[0]), 0");

function extension_testSourcesOnSelectionChangedShowFile(nextTest)
function onSelectionChanged(selectionInfo)
output("sources onSelectionChanged fired, selectionInfo:");
dumpObject(selectionInfo, {url: "url"});

function extension_testSourcesOnSelectionChangedShowFileAndLine(nextTest)
webInspector.inspectedWindow.eval("location.href", function(inspectedPageURL) {
function onSelectionChanged(selectionInfo)
output("sources onSelectionChanged fired, selectionInfo:");
dumpObject(selectionInfo, {url: "url"});

var basePath = inspectedPageURL.replace(/\/[^/]*$/, "/");
webInspector.panels.openResource(basePath + "resources/test-script.js", 2);

How to get the mouse position without events (without moving the mouse)?

Real answer: No, it's not possible.

OK, I have just thought of a way. Overlay your page with a div that covers the whole document. Inside that, create (say) 2,000 x 2,000 <a> elements (so that the :hover pseudo-class will work in IE 6, see), each 1 pixel in size. Create a CSS :hover rule for those <a> elements that changes a property (let's say font-family). In your load handler, cycle through each of the 4 million <a> elements, checking currentStyle / getComputedStyle() until you find the one with the hover font. Extrapolate back from this element to get the co-ordinates within the document.


How do I get the coordinates of a mouse click on a canvas element?

If you like simplicity but still want cross-browser functionality I found this solution worked best for me. This is a simplification of @Aldekein´s solution but without jQuery.

function getCursorPosition(canvas, event) {
const rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect()
const x = event.clientX - rect.left
const y = event.clientY -
console.log("x: " + x + " y: " + y)

const canvas = document.querySelector('canvas')
canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) {
getCursorPosition(canvas, e)

React, Want to get current mouse position of the current element

I made you a pen using e.clientX - and e.clientY - The top left corner of the canvas (in pink) is giving me 0,0 which seems right.

get mouse coordinate in google chrome extension

This is just a simple sample, and only works with:

-> change "matches": ["file:"] in manifest.json to add new capabilities

context menu selection
-> change contexts: ["selection"] in contextMenus.create (bg.js) to add new capabilities

secondary mouse button

-> change (mousePos.button == 2) in (c.js) to add new capabilities

You can try also with mousedown event

For run and test, create these three files, load the extension in chrome, load any file in chrome (example.txt), select any text and then, (secondary mouse button click) new context menu appears. Just click for get Cursor Position.

Tested and working: 26 march 2014 on chrome Versión 33.0.1750.154

Any comments are welcome ;)


"name": "menuContext position",
"version": "0.1",
"description": "determine menuContext position",
"permissions": ["contextMenus"],
"content_security_policy": "script-src 'self'; object-src 'self'",
"background": {
"scripts": ["bg.js"]
"content_scripts": [{
"matches": ["file:///*/*"],
"js": ["c.js"],
"run_at": "document_end",
"all_frames": true
"manifest_version": 2


'use strict';

// when mouse up, send message to background.js with this position
document.addEventListener('mouseup', function (mousePos) {
if (mousePos.button == 2) {
var p = {clientX: mousePos.clientX, clientY: mousePos.clientY};
var msg = {text: 'example', point: p, from: 'mouseup'};
chrome.runtime.sendMessage(msg, function(response) {});


'use strict';

//global var for store cursor position
var gPos = null;

//receiving message
chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener(function(msg, sender, sendResponse) {
if (msg.from == 'mouseup') {
//storing position
gPos = msg.point;

// onclick callback function.
function OnClick(info, tab, text, mousePos) {
if (info.menuItemId == idConsole) {
if (gPos != null) {
alert('Position X: ' + gPos.clientX + '\nPosition Y: ' + gPos.clientY );
//console.log('Position X: ' + gPos.clientX + '\nPosition Y: ' + gPos.clientY );

//on click sample callback with more params
var idConsole = chrome.contextMenus.create({
title: 'Cursor Position',
contexts: ["selection"],
onclick: function(info, tab) {
OnClick(info, tab, '%s', gPos);

Please, if possible, add tag [google-chrome-extension] to your question. Greetings

Find mouse position relative to element

For people using JQuery:

Sometimes, when you have nested elements, one of them with the event attached to it, it can be confusing to understand what your browser sees as the parent. Here, you can specify which parent.

You take the mouse position, and then subtract it from the parent element's offset position.

var x = evt.pageX - $('#element').offset().left;
var y = evt.pageY - $('#element').offset().top;

If you're trying to get the mouse position on a page inside a scrolling pane:

var x = (evt.pageX - $('#element').offset().left) + self.frame.scrollLeft();
var y = (evt.pageY - $('#element').offset().top) + self.frame.scrollTop();

Or the position relative to the page:

var x = (evt.pageX - $('#element').offset().left) + $(window).scrollLeft();
var y = (evt.pageY - $('#element').offset().top) + $(window).scrollTop();

Note the following performance optimisation:

var offset = $('#element').offset();
// Then refer to
var x = evt.pageX - offset.left;

In this way, JQuery does not have to look up #element for each line.


There is a newer, JavaScript-only version in an answer by @anytimecoder -- see also browser support for getBoundingClientRect().

How can I check the pixel location of my cursor?

Use javascript to get cursor location.

document.addEventListener("mouseover", function( event ) {   
console.log(event.screenX, event.screenY);
}, false);

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