Using JavaScript in Css

Is there a way to execute javascript from inside a css file ?

IE and Firefox both contain ways to execute JavaScript from CSS. As Paolo mentions, one way in IE is the expression technique, but there's also the more obscure HTC behaviour, in which a separate XML that contains your script is loaded via CSS. A similar technique for Firefox exists, using XBL. These techniques don't execute JavaScript from CSS directly, but the effect is the same.

HTC with IE

Use a CSS rule like so:

body {

and within that file have something like:

<PUBLIC:ATTACH EVENT="ondocumentready" ONEVENT="main()" LITERALCONTENT="false"/>
function main()
alert("HTC script executed.");

The HTC file executes the main() function on the event ondocumentready (referring to the HTC document's readiness.)

XBL with Firefox

Firefox supports a similar XML-script-executing hack, using XBL.

Use a CSS rule like so:

body {
-moz-binding: url(script.xml#mycode);

and within your script.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<bindings xmlns="" xmlns:html="">

<binding id="mycode">
alert("XBL script executed.");


All of the code within the constructor tag will be executed (a good idea to wrap code in a CDATA section.)

In both techniques, the code doesn't execute unless the CSS selector matches an element within the document. By using something like body, it will execute immediately on page load.

Using CSS !important with JavaScript

Try this code using CSSStyleDeclaration.setProperty():

function myFunction() {
var x = document.querySelectorAll("#testDiv p.example");
x[0].style.setProperty("background-color", "red", "important");

How do you add CSS with Javascript?

You can also do this using DOM Level 2 CSS interfaces (MDN):

var sheet = window.document.styleSheets[0];
sheet.insertRule('strong { color: red; }', sheet.cssRules.length);

...on all but (naturally) IE8 and prior, which uses its own marginally-different wording:

sheet.addRule('strong', 'color: red;', -1);

There is a theoretical advantage in this compared to the createElement-set-innerHTML method, in that you don't have to worry about putting special HTML characters in the innerHTML, but in practice style elements are CDATA in legacy HTML, and ‘<’ and ‘&’ are rarely used in stylesheets anyway.

You do need a stylesheet in place before you can started appending to it like this. That can be any existing active stylesheet: external, embedded or empty, it doesn't matter. If there isn't one, the only standard way to create it at the moment is with createElement.

Injecting a CSS stylesheet using Javascript

If the stylesheet is a separate resource, (You've confirmed in a comment that it is), you link it with link rel="stylesheet":

var link = document.createElement("link");
link.rel = "stylesheet";
link.href = "mystyle.css";
// Or document.querySelector("head").appendChild(link);
// But I don't think that's necessary on any vaguely-modern browser

(Can't really do a live example of this one with Stack Snippets.)

If you have it as a string, you apply it with a style element:

var style = document.createElement("style");
style.appendChild(document.createTextNode("/* text here...*/"));

Live example: