Socket.Io.Js Not Found 404 Not Found

Change this:




app.listen() creates a new and different server so the server that you have attached to is not the one that is actually listening and thus your server is not live and not able to handle the / request or the incoming connection if the script file didn't first fail to load.

See this answer for more details on what app.listen() does and why it isn't what you want the way your code is laid out:

websockets, express.js and can’t establish a connection to the server

Note, you could use app.listen(), but you'd have to not create your own server and you'd have to capture the return value from app.listen() and use that as the server you pass to initialization:

var app = express();
var server = app.listen(3000);
var io = require('')(server);

Which is not quite how your code is structured (but you could rearrange things to do it this way). - not available

I've never worked with AIOHTTP (always worked with flask-socketio) so I did some research using the documentation. It turns out that like a lot of http server, AIOHTTP doesn't serve static files out of the box.

You will thus need to take care of it using the add_static method (doc here).

(Note that if you want to deploy this app for production it would be better practice to use an HTTP server like Apache or Nginx).

Just add this line under your routes declarations.

app.router.add_static('/static/', path='static/')

Now you need to create a static folder in the root of your project and put your file inside of it.
Make sure that the in the version 2.2 (same as the CDN version). You can get this file by downloading it directly from the CDN URL you were using or using npm -i -s You can then find the file in node_modules/

You now just need to use <script src="/static/"></script> in your HTML to import not loading

Turns out the reason I could never request the .js file was because my company network blocks all ports except the usual ones (80, 21, etc), so `I would never be able to communicate with port 8000. is not loaded

I think you should try and break it down a little bit to identify your problem. You are clearly not reaching your socket.

Try to have a server just like this:

var express         = require('express')
var app = express()
var server = require('http').Server(app)
var io = require('')(server)

io.on('connection', function(socket) {
console.log('Socket did connect');


And Client:

var socket = io();

If this works, which it very much should, try to add the rest of your code. Ejs shouldn't be the problem since it's compiled to regular HTML before it's served.
A problem would be if you have you client running on a different domain (or port) than the server. If so, you would have to define it inside the io() on the client site, eg: var socket = io("http://localhost:8080")

Client side script src=/ not found, using Express-generator generated project

After a long time searching, I have found the best answer to my question. Please refer to A simple express tutorial using express generators.

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