Set the Webkit-Keyframes From/To Parameter with JavaScript

Set the webkit-keyframes from/to parameter with JavaScript

A solution of sorts:

var cssAnimation = document.createElement('style');
cssAnimation.type = 'text/css';
var rules = document.createTextNode('@-webkit-keyframes slider {'+
'from { left:100px; }'+
'80% { left:150px; }'+
'90% { left:160px; }'+
'to { left:150px; }'+

Just adds a style definition to the header. Would be much cleaner/better to define it though the DOM if possible.

Edit: Error in Chrome with old method

Set Webkit Keyframes Values Using Javascript Variable

Okay, not what your actual code looks like, but you can't throw JavaScript variables into CSS, it won't recognize them.

Instead, you need to create the CSS rules through JavaScript and insert them into the CSSOM (CSS Object Model). This can be done a few ways -- you can either just create a keyframe animation and add it in, or you can overwrite an existing animation. For this sake of this question, I'm going to assume you want to continually overwrite an existing keyframe animation with different rotation values.

I've put together (and documented) a JSFiddle for you to take a look at:

It starts off running a -10 -> 10 degree rotation animation, but then you can click the button to have it execute a rotation between random values (between -360 and 360 degrees).

This example was hacked together primarily from earlier experimentation done by Simon Hausmann. You can see the source here: (for as long as that link works, gitorious is pretty bad at maintaining urls).

I've also taken the randomFromTo JavaScript function code from here:

I've added documentation to the parts of the Simon Hausmann script that I've taken from him (though I've slightly modified them). I've also used jQuery just to attach the click event to my button--all other script is written in native JavaScript.

I've tested this for Chrome 18 and Safari 5.1, and it seems to work fine in both browsers.

Hope this helps.

programmatically changing webkit-transformation values in animation rules

Use the CSSOM

var style = document.documentElement.appendChild(document.createElement("style")),
rule = " run {\
0% {\
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); }\
transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); }\
100% {\
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0, " + your_value_here + "px, 0);\
transform: translate3d(0, " + your_value_here + "px, 0);\
style.sheet.insertRule("@keyframes" + rule, 0);
} else if (CSSRule.WEBKIT_KEYFRAMES_RULE) { // WebKit
style.sheet.insertRule("@-webkit-keyframes" + rule, 0);

If you want to modify a keyframe rule in a stylesheet that's already included, do the following:

stylesheet = document.styleSheets[0] // replace 0 with the number of the stylesheet that you want to modify
, rules = stylesheet.rules
, i = rules.length
, keyframes
, keyframe

while (i--) {
keyframes = rules.item(i);
if (
keyframes.type === keyframes.KEYFRAMES_RULE
|| keyframes.type === keyframes.WEBKIT_KEYFRAMES_RULE
&& === "run"
) {
rules = keyframes.cssRules;
i = rules.length;
while (i--) {
keyframe = rules.item(i);
if (
keyframe.type === keyframe.KEYFRAME_RULE
|| keyframe.type === keyframe.WEBKIT_KEYFRAME_RULE
&& keyframe.keyText === "100%"
) { = =
"translate3d(0, " + your_value_here + "px, 0)";

If you don't know the order but do know the URL of the CSS file, replace document.styleSheets[0] with document.querySelector("link[href='your-css-url.css']").sheet.

How to dynamically create '@-Keyframe' CSS animations?

well i don't think it is easy to create dynamic @keyframes they are inflexible because they must be hard-coded.

Transitions are a little easier to work with, as they can gracefully respond to any CSS changes performed by JavaScript.

However, the complexity that CSS transitions can give you is pretty limited — an animation with multiple steps is difficult to achieve.

This is a problem that CSS @keyframe animations are meant to solve, but they don’t offer the level of dynamic responsiveness that transitions do.

but these links might help you

Link1 : a tool that generates a @-webkit-keyframe animation with many tiny steps. This opens the door to an unlimited selection of easing formula.

Link2 it will be a great help for you to take it as a base as it provides a UI to create animations and exports it to CSS code.

I guess this solution will definitely work for you. Its is used for dynamic keyframes

How do I change @keyframes using JS?

I guess we are in the territory of CSS+JS = CJSSS thats lot of Ss to handle tbh. JS deals with Document object model and CSS deals with CSS object model. Browser object model deals with both of these.

That's being said JS have no interaction with CSSOM. What we see on screen is BOM taking the two and painting it on screen. It is when its painted aka DOM is represented Js is able to access and manipulate objects.

With above in mind when we change style values with JS e.g. it is happening after the fact widely known as computed value.

By computed it refers to what got painted on screen so element.height would return hight in pixels not the CSS rule from which it was painted that being percentage.

Thus when we are intending to change @keyframe we are intending to manipulate CSS rule before the fact not after the fact. thats problem no 1.

BOM only provides set number of CSS style properties to be manipulated through style function e.g. height color etc It does not include @keyframe in that set.

so we have to do some leg work to handle it after the fact.

root = document.documentElement;

setTimeout(function(){'--change', 30 + "px"); }, 5000);
:root {
--change: 280px;
background-color: #247BA0;
width: 150px;
padding: 10px;
border-radius: 5px;
animation: progressBar 3s ease;
text-align: center;
box-sizing: content-box;

@keyframes progressBar {
0% { width: 0; }
100% { width: var(--change); }
<div id="progressBar"></div>

Passing parameters to css animation

Use CSS variables and you can easily do this:

.p1,.p2 {  animation-duration: 3s;  animation-name: slidein;}
@keyframes slidein { from { margin-left: var(--m, 0%); width: var(--w, 100%); } to { margin-left: 0%; width: 100%; }}
<p class="p1"> This will not animate as the animation will use the default value set to the variable</p><p class="p2">  This will animate because we changed the CSS variable using JS</p>

CSS : How to pass animation time and `@keyframe` values from function?

I hope this is what you are expecting.

Using setParameters('1.3s','-50px') function you can set animation duration and keyframes values transform property dynamically.

function addAnimation(animationName,animationStyles){

let styleElement = document.createElement('style');
let styleElementSheet = styleElement.sheet;
styleElementSheet.insertRule(`@keyframes ${animationName}{
${animationStyles} }`,styleElement.length);

styleElementSheet.insertRule(`@-webkit-keyframes ${animationName}{
${animationStyles} }`,styleElement.length);

function setParameters(animDuration,translate){
document.getElementsByClassName('slide-in-top')[0].style.animation = `slide-in-top ${animDuration} cubic-bezier(0.250, 0.460, 0.450, 0.940) both`;

addAnimation('slide-in-top', `
0% {
-webkit-transform: translateY(${translate});
transform: translateY(${translate});
opacity: 0;
100% {
-webkit-transform: translateY(0);
transform: translateY(0);
opacity: 1;
setParameters('1.3s','-50px'); //change this based on u r requirements
<script src=""></script>
<div style="margin-top: 20px; background:#0095ff;height:100px;padding:20px">
<p id="user_text">This is Animated text</p>

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