Session Only Cookies with JavaScript

Session only cookies with Javascript

Yes, that is correct.

Not putting an expires part in will create a session cookie, whether it is created in JavaScript or on the server.


For the use case in the question (no server side code), sessionStorage is a simpler solution. But sessionStorage is client only, so would not work if you need to access the stored value on the server (e.g. user logins etc.)

Javascript read session cookies only

A "session cookie" is a normal cookie. It may (or may not) have an expiration date but nothing prevents other cookies to have an expiration date as well. The only reliable way to identify a session cookie is if you know its name (this is website-dependent of course, but isn't a problem if this is your website).

Also, you have no way of knowing a cookie's expiration date from Javascript.

Now document.cookie gives you all cookies as a semi-colon delimited string. You just need to break it down on semi-colons to retrieve the key-value pairs. So here's a sample code to look for a cookie given its name:

var getCookie = function(name) {
var cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
for(var i=0 ; i < cookies.length ; ++i) {
var pair = cookies[i].trim().split('=');
if(pair[0] == name)
return pair[1];
return null;

If you don't know the session cookie's name you're out of luck. Period. You could maybe find clever heuristics to determine which one it is (based on the form of name and/or value), but nothing can tell you exactly for all websites with 100% confidence which cookie is the session cookie, and if there is one at all.

How to set session cookies with `__Host-` prefix in Electron?

This detail is not documented in the official documentation at but it's a logical result of other rules. Specifically the Set-Cookie HTTP header is defined to follow these rules:



Note: Some <cookie-name> have a
specific semantic:

__Host- prefix:

Cookies with
names starting with __Host- must be set with the secure flag, must
be from a secure page (HTTPS), must not have a domain specified (and
therefore, are not sent to subdomains), and the path must be /.




Secure Optional

Indicates that the cookie is sent to the server only
when a request is made with the https: scheme (except on localhost),
and therefore, is more resistant to man-in-the-middle attacks.

Note: Do not assume that Secure prevents all access to sensitive
information in cookies (session keys, login details, etc.). Cookies
with this attribute can still be read/modified either with access to
the client's hard disk or from JavaScript if the HttpOnly cookie
attribute is not set.

Insecure sites (http:) cannot set cookies with the Secure attribute
(since Chrome 52 and Firefox 52). For Firefox, the https: requirements
are ignored when the Secure attribute is set by localhost (since
Firefox 75).

Specifically, you cannot set cookie with name starting with __Host- prefix without also specifying secure. As a result, setting cookie as described in the question fails. Unfortunately, the exception is just Error: Failed to parse cookie instead of Error: cannot set cookie with "__Host-" prefix without also setting "secure" attribute.

Following should work as expected:

    var cookie = {
url: cookieurl,
name: cookiename,
value: cookievalue,
secure: true,
// httpOnly: true,
// sameSite: "lax",
loadUrl(win, indexUrl, output);
throw Error("Failed to load cookie, e="+e);

The above example also has httpOnly and sameSite attributes in comments to work as a reminder that you probably want to consider these attributes, too.

Client only cookies - cookie which doesn't ever go to the server

If browser compatibility is a concern you can use a some javascript to wrap around various different technologies. Older versions of IE support (supprise supprise) a proprietary version of localstorage called userData (I don't think it's exactly the same, but should do what you need).

A wrapper script like or should do what you need it to do.

Is it possible to set a cookie to expiry at the end of session and after 1 day?

the cookie will either expire on session end, or on a specific date, because in order to make the cookie expire on session end you actually omit the date to make it work.

unless you create 2 cookies one for session end and one on a date
the function below is from the page you posted. use it to calculate the date and set the cookie where exdays=1. else just use the last line of the function omitting the expires so it can expire on session end

function setCookie(cname, cvalue, exdays) {
var d = new Date();
d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays*24*60*60*1000));
var expires = "expires="+ d.toUTCString();
document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + ";" + expires + ";path=/";

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