Ruby on Rails - Put Method on Update Ajax

Ruby on rails - PUT method on update ajax

Rails determines the put request via the parameter _method with the value 'put'.

As not all the browsers support the put method, rails cheats in the form_tag. its putting this output in a PUT form:

<input type='hidden' name='_method' value='put'>

So what you have to do is this:

type: "POST",
dataType: "script",
url: '/resources/35',
contentType: 'application/json',
data: JSON.stringify({ resource:{pos_y:45,pos_x:50}, _method:'put' })
}).done(function( msg )
alert( "Data Saved: " + msg );

Update DB with ajax request in rails

Don't use $.get() to make calls that update data. Send the request via PUT instead. Since you're updating all of the user's activity, you don't need to do an Activity.find lookup. I'm assuming your User model has a 'has_many :activities' association defined. Your JS would look like this (I'm using coffeescript):

$('#bell-notices').click ->
$bell = $(this)
$bell.find('.notifications-count').hide '0'
url: '/activities/mark_activity_viewed'
type: 'put'

(as JS):

$('#bell-notices').click(function() {
var $bell;
$bell = $(this);
url: '/activities/mark_activity_viewed',
type: 'put'

In your activities_controller, you would have:

def mark_activity_viewed    
current_user.activities.update_all(viewed: true)
[any respond_to stuff you care to do...]

You need to have a route in routes.rb that matches the 'put'

put 'activities/mark_activity_viewed' => 'activities#mark_activity_viewed'

Note that the 'update_all' above will skip validations on Activity, but since all you're doing here is changing a boolean value, this shouldn't be an issue. If you want validations on each Activity to be performed, loop through them and do the typical update and save!

Which controller you put this in is really up to you. I would put it in the users_controller, since it is a more user-centric action, but there's nothing wrong with leaving it in the activities controller.

Rails update element based on AJAX request?

Your description is quite correct!
Opposed to the other answer, you don't even need a event listener but as you said you want to have a respond_to in the controller.
So starting from the html:

# post/index.html.erb
<div id="like-button">
<%= button_to "Like this post", post_path(@post), remote: true %>

Note, that when you use a button_to helper it'll be a POST request by default.

If you click it, it'll go to the controller#update, which you want to change to this:

def update
respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to post_path(@post) }
format.js # <-- will render `app/views/posts/update.js.erb`

Note: the format.html is rendered when JS is disabled.
Now in the scenario that JS is enabled, it executes the app/views/posts/update.js.erb file. It can look like this:

const likeButton = document.getElementById('like-button');
likeButton.innerHTML = '<%= j render "posts/liked-link", post: @post %>';

What is the last line doing? Of course, you can change the style directly with the JavaScript, but you can also render a new partial - and this you will create in a new html file:

# app/views/posts/liked_link.html.erb
<div id="like-button ">
<p>"You liked this post!" </p>

I just changed the link/button to ap now, but of course you can do whatever you want.

Hope that makes sense :)

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