Rendering Empty Space in React

Rendering empty space in React

You could use <span>  </span>:

class Blinker extends React.Component {    constructor(props) {    super();    this.state = {      appear: true    }    this.blinker = this.blinker.bind(this);  }
blinker() { this.setState({appear: !this.state.appear }); }
componentDidMount() { setInterval(this.blinker, 1000) }
componentWillUnmount() { clearInterval(this.blinker); }
render() { const name = "testing"; const underScore = "_"; const com = "com"; return ( <div> <div id="test"> { name } </div> <div id="test"> { (this.state.appear) ? underScore : <span>  </span>} </div> <div id="test"> { com } </div> </div> ); }}

ReactDOM.render(<Blinker />, document.getElementById('app'));
#test {  display: inline-block;}
<script src=""></script><script src=""></script><script src=""></script>
<div id="app"></div>

Render conditionally a component without losing "empty" space - ReactJS

just add visibility style to your div contain message, then set it visible : hidden to show or hide it

style={{ height: '50px', visibility : condition ? 'visible' : 'hidden' }}

Best practice when adding whitespace in JSX

Because   causes you to have non-breaking spaces, you should only use it where necessary. In most cases, this will have unintended side effects.

Older versions of React, I believe all those before v14, would automatically insert <span> </span> when you had a newline inside of a tag.

While they no longer do this, that's a safe way to handle this in your own code. Unless you have styling that specifically targets span (bad practice in general), then this is the safest route.

Per your example, you can put them on a single line together as it's pretty short. In longer-line scenarios, this is how you should probably do it:

  <div className="top-element-formatting">
Hello <span className="second-word-formatting">World!</span>
<span> </span>
So much more text in this box that it really needs to be on another line.

This method is also safe against auto-trimming text editors.

The other method is using {' '} which doesn't insert random HTML tags. This could be more useful when styling, highlighting elements, and removes clutter from the DOM. If you don't need backwards compatibility with React v14 or earlier, this should be your preferred method.

  <div className="top-element-formatting">
Hello <span className="second-word-formatting">World!</span>
{' '}
So much more text in this box that it really needs to be on another line.

Preserve space in React rendered element

I am not sure if React JS messes up the space as it's just HTML. Use the following CSS on the element:

white-space: pre-wrap;

Working Demo: wmnk7rmq8 - CodeSandbox

How to remove Blank Spaces from the React app if there is no data available for it?

You can use conditional rendering as follows based on the existence of Def.synonyms value. If it's undefined or null, then component won't be shown.

Read more on conditional rendering here.

import React from "react";

const Synonyms = ({ mean }) => {
return (
{ => {
return => {
return => {
return (
{Def.synonyms ? (
<li className="text-capitalize fs-5 text-start">

export default Synonyms;

Or you can return it as follows to show the "data not available" quote.

            return (
<li className="text-capitalize fs-5 text-start">
{!Def.synonyms ? `${Def.synonyms}` : "data not available"}

ReactJS render string with non-breaking spaces

Instead of using the   HTML entity, you can use the Unicode character which   refers to (U+00A0 NON-BREAKING SPACE):

<div>{myValue.replace(/ /g, "\u00A0")}</div>

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