Error Ts2739: Type '{}' Is Missing the Following Properties from Type

React with Typescript - Type { } is missing the following properties from type

As you are passing card to ProfileCard component, its passing 4 values in props.

{login: string, name: string, key: number, id: number}

But your interface has only 2

interface ProfileCardProps{ 
login: string;
name: string;

Adding key and id should solve the issue.

interface ProfileCardProps{ 
login: string;
name: string;
key: any;

Type '{}' is missing the following properties from type ''"

Your problem here are the props you are passing down to your child component.

As defined in your child, these are the props the component has to receive:

interface BrandProps {
error: boolean;
errorHandler: Function;
nav: object;
navHandler: Function;
fieldHandler: Function;
getBrands: Function;
brands: IBrand[];

While in your parent component, you are only passing 3 of them:


And in the HOC the extra properties can be optional (so they may not exist, reason why it errors).

So to fix, you can just set the extra properties on your BrandProps interface as optional by defining them with "?", such as error?: boolean;, or you can just add them in if you think they must be passed

TS2739 - Type missing in following properties

Given your comment:

user should provide mail + password

The RegisterUser should not receive mail and password via props.

Make the props optional.

interface IRegisterUser {
mail?: string;
password?: string;

Type '{}' is missing the following properties from type 'Readonly'

type {} means you passed in an empty object

type Casa is expecting 6 properties which you didnt provide

you should try passing in the required parameters

<Home id="" imagem="" titulo=""... />

where you replace "" by the actual value you want

TypeScript Error Type '{}' is missing the following properties from type

You declared AppRouter as requiring the props loaduser and user, but then you called it without those props in App.tsx.

EDIT: Although not the cause of the specific TS error identified in the question, as noted in the comments, it can also cause problems to combine useSelector and mapStateToProps or useDispatch and mapDispatchToProps. These days you likely want to just use the hooks.

Angular 11 Type 'Observable<Object>' is missing the following properties from type

In your service, the following line returns an Observable, wich is normal.

return this.http.get(this.baseURL + '/?ID=' + ID)

But in your component, your're saying, "Hey, my variable forecast have the following type"


And then, your're saying "Ok, im defining the forecast variable wich is type WeatherForecast with a result that have type Observable". This is not possible.

There are many ways to do it, but you can try it:

this.service.getWeatherListID(this.ID).subscribe((response:WeatherForecast) => {
this.forecast = response;

Doing it like that: Your script will wait for the http call to be done, and then, assign the response into your forecast variable.

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