Remove Leading Zeros from a Number in JavaScript

Remove/ truncate leading zeros by javascript/jquery

You can use a regular expression that matches zeroes at the beginning of the string:

s = s.replace(/^0+/, '');

Remove leading zeros from a number in Javascript

We can use four methods for this conversion

  1. parseInt with radix 10
  2. Number Constructor
  3. Unary Plus Operator
  4. Using mathematical functions (subtraction)

const numString = "065";
//parseInt with radix=10let number = parseInt(numString, 10);console.log(number);
// Number constructornumber = Number(numString);console.log(number);
// unary plus operatornumber = +numString;console.log(number);
// conversion using mathematical function (subtraction)number = numString - 0;console.log(number);

javascript remove leading zeros from a number

Because your value starts with 0, and its type is number instead of string, it will be recognized as octal, and when you use it directly, javascript will convert it to decimal

The fastest way you can use Number.prototype.toString(radix)

let a = 043

How to remove leading zeros from a number within a function parameter

The reason this is happening is because leading a number with a zero makes javascript interpret the number in octal format. There is no way that you can change this interpretation, but if you're getting the value from somewhere as a string you could use parseInt(string, 10)

We can do this string conversion ourselves and then parse it in base 10 like so:

let number = 0011console.log(parseInt(number.toString(8),10))

JS remove leading zeros

you can do that by a simple regex replace.

var number = "0.00558";
number = number.replace(/^[0\.]+/, "");
console.log(number);//number is now "558"

Remove leading zeros from input type=number

just use a regular expression like this

textboxText= textboxText.replace(/^0+/, '')

Remove leading zeros of a string in Javascript

The simplest solution would probably be to use a word boundary (\b) like this:

s.replace(/\b0+/g, '')

This will remove any zeros that are not preceded by Latin letters, decimal digits, underscores. The global (g) flag is used to replace multiple matches (without that it would only replace the first match found).

$("button").click(function() {  var s = $("input").val();    s = s.replace(/\b0+/g, '');    $("#out").text(s);});
body { font-family: monospace; }div { padding: .5em 0; }#out { font-weight: bold; }
<script src=""></script><div><input value="02-03, 02&03, 02,03"><button>Go</button></div><div>Output: <span id="out"></span></div>

How to remove leading zeros from the Array of Numbers in Javascript

With leding zero, you use octal numbers. To get decimals, you need to convert back to octals and parse this values as decimal numbers.

This approach works only on an array of octal numbers. It is not possible, to check if a value is taken from an octal literal.

let array = [000232, 0043, 0000454523, 0234],    values = => parseInt(n.toString(8), 10));

regex: remove leading zeros, but keep single zero

You ay use this regex replacement:

.replace(/^(?:0+(?=[1-9])|0+(?=0$))/mg, '')

RegEx Demo

RegEx Details:

  • ^: Start
  • (?:: Start capture group

    • 0+(?=[1-9]): Match 1 or more zeroes that must be followed by 1-9
    • |: OR
    • 0+(?=0$): Match 1 or more zeroes that must be followed by one 0 and end
  • ): End capture group

Replacement is empty string which will leave a single 0 if there are only zeroes in string otherwise will remove leading zeroes.

Alternative solution using a capture group:

str = str.replace(/^0+(0$|[1-9])/mg, '$1');

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