Property Does Not Exist on Type 'Never' Typescript/React

Property 'id' does not exist on type 'never'. on map function

You can "easily" fix this by giving TypeScript an hint on what is the type of array of objects you are iterating with map.

This can be done by using the generic parameter that useState receives, here is a sample:

interface Item {
id: string;
name: string;
price: number;

// Then you need to pass in the type of what you will have in the useState
const [items, setItems] = useState<Array<Item>>([]);

The problem you are facing is due to TypeScript having no clue on what is the type of the objects that items may or may not contain. Which will make items fallback to the type of never[], which is just a way of TypeScript warning you that you made something wrong and that you can't use it that way.

Typescript: property "title" does not exist on type 'never'

You have to define your state as an array of any type:

const [state, setstate] = useState([] as any[]);

By default, TypeScript defines empty arrays as never[]. That is an array that always will be empty. A bizarre thing of TS. More info in this question.

React/Typescript Property 'ID' does not exist on type 'never'.ts(2339)

You need to add type for playersData when you decalre it.

interface DataType {
ID: string;
Handle: string;
Role: string;

const [playersData, setPlayersData] = useState<Array<DataType>>([]);

How to solve Property does not exist in type 'never'

You need to tell TypeScript the type of what the ref will refer to by providing a type argument to useRef (since TypeScript can't infer it from the initial value null). Assuming you're using this npm package, it appears you use the type of the component:

const recaptcha = useRef<ReCAPTCHA>(null);
// ^^^^^^^^^^^

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