Pass Props in Link React-Router

Pass props in Link react-router

This line is missing path:

<Route name="ideas" handler={CreateIdeaView} />

Should be:

<Route name="ideas" path="/:testvalue" handler={CreateIdeaView} />

Given the following Link (outdated v1):

<Link to="ideas" params={{ testvalue: "hello" }}>Create Idea</Link>

Up to date as of v4/v5:

const backUrl = '/some/other/value'
// this.props.testvalue === "hello"

// Using query
<Link to={{pathname: `/${this.props.testvalue}`, query: {backUrl}}} />

// Using search
<Link to={{pathname: `/${this.props.testvalue}`, search: `?backUrl=${backUrl}`} />
<Link to={`/${this.props.testvalue}?backUrl=${backUrl}`} />

and in the withRouter(CreateIdeaView) components render(), out dated usage of withRouter higher order component:

console.log(this.props.match.params.testvalue, this.props.location.query.backurl)
// output
hello /some/other/value

And in a functional components using the useParams and useLocation hooks:

const CreatedIdeaView = () => {
const { testvalue } = useParams();
const { query, search } = useLocation();
console.log(testvalue, query.backUrl, new URLSearchParams(search).get('backUrl'))
return <span>{testvalue} {backurl}</span>

From the link that you posted on the docs, towards the bottom of the page:

Given a route like <Route name="user" path="/users/:userId"/>

Updated code example with some stubbed query examples:

// import React, {Component, Props, ReactDOM} from 'react';
// import {Route, Switch} from 'react-router'; etc etc
// this snippet has it all attached to window since its in browser
const {
} = ReactRouterDOM;

class World extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
fromIdeas: props.match.params.WORLD || 'unknown'
render() {
const { match, location} = this.props;
return (
&& location.query.thing}
&& location.query.another1
|| 'none for 2 or 3'}

class Ideas extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
fromAppItem: props.location.item,
nextPage: 'world1',
showWorld2: false
render() {
return (
<li>item: {this.state.fromAppItem.okay}</li>
<li>id: {this.state.fromAppId}</li>
pathname: `/hello/${this.state.nextPage}`,
query:{thing: 'asdf', another1: 'stuff'}
Home 1
onClick={() => this.setState({
nextPage: 'world2',
showWorld2: true})}>
switch 2
pathname: `/hello/${this.state.nextPage}`,
query:{thing: 'fdsa'}}} >
Home 2
<NavLink to="/hello">Home 3</NavLink>

class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<Link to={{
id: 222,
item: {
okay: 123
<Route exact path='/ideas/:id/' component={Ideas}/>
<Route path='/hello/:WORLD?/:thing?' component={World}/>

<App />
), document.getElementById('ideas'));
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<div id="ideas"></div>

pass props to new page via react-router Link

what type of your component functional component or class component if you write on functional component you can use useLocation hooks from react-router-dom if you using class component you should use location props from your component.

maybe your component be like this, its just example to access state on location using useLocation

import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";

const Holes = () => {
const location = useLocation();

return (

export default Holes;

can't pass props using Link in react router dom

If you are using react-router-dom v5 then route state is a property on the to object of the Link.

RRDv5 Link

<Link to={{ pathname: "/Watch", state: { movie } }}>...</Link>

If using react-router-dom v6 then state is a top-level prop.

RRDv6 Link

<Link to="/Watch" state={{ movie }}>...</Link>

How to pass props using react router link v6?

The generateQuestion callback is asynchronous, so you won't be able to send data in route state via the Link, but what you can do is move the onClick handler to the Link and call event.preventDefault on the click event to prevent the navigation action, and issue an imperative navigation after the questions have been fetched.


import { Link, useNavigate } = 'react-router-dom';


const navigate = useNavigate();


generateQuestions = async (event) => {

try {
const data = await questionsData();
const arrData = => ({
id: nanoid(),

navigate("/quiz", { state: { questions: arrData } });
} catch(error) {
// handle rejected Promise/error/etc...


<Link to="/quiz" onClick={generateQuestions}>
<button type="button">
Start Quiz

In the Quiz component use the useLocation hook to access the passed route state.

import { useLocation } from 'react-router-dom';


const { state } = useLocation();
const { questions } = state || {};

React: how to pass props through a Link from react-router-dom?

Link can pass a state object that can be retrieved from you component through location:

import { Link } from "react-router-dom";

const Category = ({ title }) => {
return (
<Link to={{ pathname: "/dishes", state: { title } }}>

export default Category;

Then you can extract state from location prop. But since you are passing this value only when you click on Link, state can be undefined if you access the Route directly. This way you may want to provide a defaultValue in these cases:

const Dishes = ({location}) => {
const { title = 'defaultValue' } = location.state || {}

return <div>{title}</div>

Passing React Router Link to parameter as props

In your App.js class, define your routes first.

function App(prop) {
const {isLoggedIn} = props;
return (
<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
<Route exact path='/' component={Bloghome}/>
<Route exact path='/posts/:blogID' component={Blogitem}/>

Now in your Blogitem class, you can read the id as a url parameter.

export default function Blogitem(props) {

const {cat,title,desc}=props;
let { blogID } = useParams();

return (
<div className="blog-item-border">
<img src={person} alt="" className="blog-item-img" />
<div className="blog-item-category">{cat}</div>
<div className="blog-item-title">{title}</div>
<div className="blog-item-desc">
<div className="blog-item-button">
<Link to="/">
<button>Read Post</button>

You can pass the Item ID as a URL parameter when you create the link.

<div className="blog-item-button">
<Link to="/posts/001">
<button>Read Post</button>

How to pass method props via link next.js?

You cant pass methods and functions via Link.

Now, you can use a contexts to share methods/functions/props between pages.

Moreover, if you want to keep some kind of props you can use window storage / cookie.

How to pass props to React component using React Router after state change?

With React-Router, you can pass a state with your navigation call, like so:

const navigate = useNavigate();
key = {i}
id = {score["scoreId"]}
onClick = {(e) => {
navigate('/home/score', { state: {score} });

Then in ScoreHome.js

const {state} = useLocation();

// state.score <= your selected score

See docs for more

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