Modify Classname When Element Is Clicked in React

Changing classname of a specific element on click from a mapped array an keeping the same classname until clicked again in react

You need to be able to keep track of every index that's checked - for this you'll need an array (or a number you do bit calculations with). A stateful index number doesn't contain enough information.

const allTodos = [{ id: 1, name: 'whatever user type' }, { id: 2, name: 'foo' }];

const Todos = ({ allTodos }) => {
const [todos, setTodos] = React.useState(() => => ({ ...todo, checked: false })));
const handleClick = (i) => () => {
setTodos(, j) => j !== i ? todo : ({ ...todo, checked: !todo.checked })))
return{ id, name, checked }, i) => (
<div id="item_container">
className={`check_button ${checked ? 'checked' : 'not_checked'}`}
<img alt="Sample Image" id="check_img"></img>
</div >

ReactDOM.render(<Todos allTodos={allTodos} />, document.querySelector('.react'));
.checked {
background-color: green;
.not_checked {
background-color: yellow;
<script crossorigin src=""></script>
<script crossorigin src=""></script>
<div class='react'></div>

Modify className when element is clicked in React

To make it work using your way, you will have to store isActive key for each menu object. Your addClass() function should be like this:

addClass = e => {
menus: => ({,
isActive: ==

Each time addClass is called, we go through each menu object, if the menu's id match the ID user has clicked, we give it isActive: true, else we set it to false. And of course we use .map to return a new set of menus since we can't mutate this.state.menus directly.

Then we can check whether a menu is active or not by checking its isActive key:

{ =>
className={`nav ${menu.isActive ? 'active' : ''}`}

Built this working snippet for you:

class Hello extends React.Component {  state = {    menus: [{id:0,menu:"Home"}, {id:1,menu:"Contact"}, {id:2,menu:"About"}]  }
addClass = e => { this.setState({ menus: => ({, isActive: == })) }) }
render() { return ( <div> { => <a style={{color: menu.isActive ? 'red' : 'black'}} className={`nav ${menu.isActive ? 'active' : ''}`} id={} onClick={this.addClass} > {} </a> ) } </div> ) }}
ReactDOM.render( <Hello name="World" />, document.getElementById('container'));
<script src=""></script><script src=""></script><div id="container"></div>

Change Class Name in React state

Since inputAll is a List of Objects, meaning there is no key for a list item but there is an index, you should know the id field or any other identifier and search for that object in the list in order for you to be able update the class name.

const changeClass = (id) => {
inputAll.forEach((item) => {
if( === id){
item.className = newClass;


const changeClass = (index) => {
inputAll[index].className = newClass;

In React, how do I change the classname of one element that was created in an iteration, onclick of another element?

Put the status of whether a row is disabled or not into the data.list array in state. Probably something like:

{, i) => (
// ...
onClick={(e) => handleRemove(i)
const handleRemove = (index) => {
list: [, index),
{[index], disabled: true }, + 1),

Then, when rendering, use the disabled property to give the row a class name.

className={`c-table__row${item.disabled ? ' disabled' : ''}`}

How to add or remove a className on event in ReactJS?

The list of classes can be derive from the state of the component. For example:

var Component = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
clicked: false

handleClick: function() {
this.setState({clicked: true});

render: function() {
var className = this.state.clicked ? 'click-state' : 'base-state';
return <div className={className} onClick={this.handleClick}>click here</div>;

Calling this.setState will trigger a rerender of the component.

How can I change the class of an element dynamically via url in React?

You can do something like that: