Merge Two Array of Objects Based on a Key

Merge two array of objects based on a key

You can do it like this -

let arr1 = [

{ id: "abdc4051", date: "2017-01-24" },

{ id: "abdc4052", date: "2017-01-22" }


let arr2 = [

{ id: "abdc4051", name: "ab" },

{ id: "abdc4052", name: "abc" }


let arr3 =, i) => Object.assign({}, item, arr2[i]));


Merge two array of objects based on a key value compare

You can do something like this:

const users = [
p_id: 1,
name: "Peter",
status: "Active",
p_id: 2,
name: "Kane",
status: "Active",
p_id: 3,
name: "William",
status: "Inactive",

const phoneNumbers = [
{ p_id: 1, type: "home", no: "+01 234 5678" },
{ p_id: 1, type: "work", no: "+09 111 2223" },
{ p_id: 2, type: "home", no: "+12 345 6789" },

const mergeArrays = (arr1, arr2) => {
return => {
const numbers = arr2.filter((nums) => nums["p_id"] === obj["p_id"]);
if (!numbers.length) { = numbers;
return obj;
} = => ({ type: num.type, no: }));
return obj;

const result = mergeArrays(users, phoneNumbers);

How to Merge two array of objects based on same key and value in javascript?

You can use map instead

let videos = [
{ id: 1, product_id: "training_video_test_1", video_title: "Video title 1", video_short_description: "desc 1" },
{ id: 2, product_id: "training_video_test_2", video_title: "Video title 2", video_short_description: "desc 2" },
{ id: 3, product_id: "training_video_test_3", video_title: "Video title 3", video_short_description: "desc 3" },

let storeProducts = [
{ product_id: "training_video_test_1", prduct_title: "training_video_test_1", price: 100 },
{ product_id: "training_video_test_2", prduct_title: "training_video_test_2", price: 100 },

const result = => ({ ...v, ...storeProducts.find(sp => sp.product_id === v.product_id) }));


Merge two array of objects based on matching properties

There is a mistake in your arr2. The surname for 2nd item should be kohli instead of kolhi. Anyway, You can do the following to merge two array based on dynamic matching attribute. What we are doing here is,

For each item of arr1 we are finding the keys using Object.keys method and checking which object from arr2 has maximum matching object with the item of arr1. Then we merge the two item together.

arr1 = [
name: 'Rohan',
surname: 'Mehra',
age: '15',
date: "2021-01-19",
location: 'Goa'
name: 'Aman',
surname: 'Kohli',
age: '14',
date: "2021-01-19",
location: 'Kolkata'
name: 'Sam',
surname: 'Sharma',
age: '16',
date: "2021-01-21",
location: 'Mumbai'

arr2 = [
rollNo: 1,
marks: 100,
name: 'Rohan',
date: "2021-01-19",
rollNo: 2,
marks: 90,
surname: 'Kohli',
date: "2021-01-19",
rollNo: 3,
marks: 70,
date: "2021-01-21",
ExamCenter: {
place: 'Mumbai'

res = => {
keys1 = Object.keys(item);
let max = 0;
const temp = arr2.reduce((prev, item2) => {
maxTemp = keys1.filter(key => item[key] === item2[key]).length;

if(maxTemp > max) {
max = maxTemp;
prev = item2;
return prev;
}, {})

if(temp) {
return {...item, ...temp}


Merge two arrays of objects based on nested object key and value

The following code combines the two arrays like you specified:

// Data

const variants = [{"name":"Name 1","variationValues":{"P00003":"mappedValue1"}},{"name":"Name 2","variationValues":{"P00003":"mappedValue2"}},{"name":"Name 3","variationValues":{"P00003":"mappedValue3"}}];
const variationAttributes = [{"id":"P00003","name":"Variant Name","attributes":[{"name":"Variant Name 1","description":"Variant Description 1","attribute":"mappedValue1"},{"name":"Variant Name 2","description":"Variant Description 2","attribute":"mappedValue2"},{"name":"Variant Name 3","description":"Variant Description 3","attribute":"mappedValue3"}]}];

// Solution code

console.log( getMappedVariants() );

function getMappedVariants() {
return => ({
variationValues: mapValuesToAttributes(variant.variationValues),

function mapValuesToAttributes(values) {
const attributes = {};
for (const id in values) attributes[id] = findAttribute(id, values[id]);
return attributes;

function findAttribute(id, value) {
const variation = variationAttributes.find((v) => === id);
const attribute = variation.attributes.find((a) => a.attribute === value);
return attribute;

Merge multiple array of objects based on a key

You could flatten your array and reduce values.

response.flat().reduce((acc, value) => {
let existingValueIndex = acc.findIndex(obj => obj.topic === value.topic);
if (existingValueIndex === -1) {
acc.push({ ...value });
return acc;

acc[existingValueIndex] = {
return acc;
}, []);

It's not really efficient if you have big arrays.
You can also use a Set to keep track on Topic names and prevent searching in the array for each iteration.

Merge two n number of array of objects based on a key

This looks like a case for Array.reduce.

The reduce() method executes a reducer function (that you provide) on each element of the array, resulting in single output value.

The signature is:

arr.reduce(callback( accumulator, currentValue, [, index[, array]] )[, initialValue])

The approach here is to add items using their date property as a key to a "map" object that starts out initialized as an empty object, then summing in the clicks properties you care about. At the end, result will be an object and we can use Object.values() to turn it's values into an array. We choose to use an object internally here to for faster lookup of existing dates, you could reduce using an array instead, but naively using arr.find would net you a O(n2) solution.

const arr1 = [
{ old_clicks: 1, date: "2017-01-24" },
{ old_clicks: 4, date: "2017-01-22" },
{ old_clicks: 6, date: "2017-01-21" }

const arr2 = [
{ total_clicks: 120, date: "2017-01-21" },
{ total_clicks: 100, date: "2017-01-19" }

const mergeById = (...arrs) => {

const result = arrs.flat().reduce((acc, obj) => {
acc[] = {
total_clicks: (acc[]?.total_clicks ?? 0) + (obj?.total_clicks ?? 0),
old_clicks: (acc[]?.old_clicks ?? 0) + (obj?.old_clicks ?? 0),

return acc;
}, {})

return Object.values(result);

console.log(mergeById(arr1, arr2))

Merge objects with the same key in 2 arrays into one array in Javascript/React

You could take a dynamic approach by using an object with wanted keys fro the final result.

itemsFr = [{ title: "Bonjour" }, { title: "Bonne Nuit" }],
itemsEn = [{ title: "Good Morning" }, { title: "Good Night" }],
result = Object
.entries({ fr: itemsFr, en: itemsEn })
.reduce((r, [key, a]) =>{ title }, i) => ({
title: { ...r[i]?.title, [key]: title }
})), []);

.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }

Lodash - How to merge two arrays of objects based on key?

You can get the result using merge and keyBy lodash functions.

var array1 = [{id:1, name:'doc1'}, {id:2, name:'doc2'}];
var array2 = [{id:1, name:'doc1'}, {id:3, name:'doc3'}, {id:4, name:'doc4'}];

var merged = _.merge(_.keyBy(array1, 'id'), _.keyBy(array2, 'id'));
var values = _.values(merged);
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