Last Segment of Url with JavaScript

Last segment of URL with JavaScript

You can also use the lastIndexOf() function to locate the last occurrence of the / character in your URL, then the substring() function to return the substring starting from that location:

console.log(this.href.substring(this.href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1));

That way, you'll avoid creating an array containing all your URL segments, as split() does.

Getting last segment of url

You can use the pathname, search, and/or hash part of the window.location to do this. Ignore the parser here as it is just used as an example to run this code.

var url = "http://localhost:15043/Maintenance/ModelDetails/3?blah=abc&makeId=14#test";

function parseUrl(url) {

var a = document.createElement("a");

a.href = url;

return a;


var parser = parseUrl(url);

var last_segment = parser.pathname.split('/').pop();

var searchParams ="&");

var lastParamValue = searchParams[searchParams.length-1].split("=")[1];

var hash = parser.hash;




Getting the last segment of an URL

const getLastPath = (url) => {
url = new URL(url);
const pathname = url.pathname;
const paths = pathname.split("/");
return paths.pop() || paths.pop();

console.log(getLastPath("")); // "CBt-W4jHZjH"
console.log(getLastPath("")); // "CBt-W4jHZjH"

Display the last part of URL javascript?

<script type="text/javascript">

var segment_str = window.location.pathname; // return segment1/segment2/segment3/segment4
var segment_array = segment_str.split( '/' );
var last_segment = segment_array.pop();
document.write(last_segment); // alerts segment4



How to get last two URL segments?

Splitting, slicing and joining is probably the easiest:

const url = 'http://mywebsite/segment1/segment2';

const lastTwo = url.split('/').slice(-2).join('/');


Regex: Replace last segment of url

You could use the URL class to extract the pathname and substring to remove the first '/'.

Then, you could put the last part of the pathname in a group and use it as a reference $1 for the replacement.

const url = new URL('').pathname.substring(1)

console.log(url.replace(/\/([^/]*)\/$/, '?id=$1'))

Javascript to grab last part of the document.URL?

You could simply use .split() on window.location.href, and grab the last entry.


var lastPart = window.location.href.split("/").pop();

How to remove 2 last segment in url?

 var url =''
var parts = url.split('/')
// change segments
parts[4] = '12';
parts[5] = '2017';

var new_url = parts.join('/')

Get last segment of url without parameters in javascript?

You can do something this way:

// The first thing is to strip off the things after query string:

var url = "";

url = url.split("?")

url = url[0];

// Get the last path:

url = url.split("/");

page = url[url.length-1];


JavaScript get last URL segment

Maybe something like?

window.location.pathname.split('?')[0].split('/').filter(function (i) { return i !== ""}).slice(-1)[0]
  1. Split on '?' to throw out any query string parameters
  2. Get the first of those splits
  3. Split on '/'.
  4. For all those splits, filter away all the empty strings
  5. Get the last one remaining

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