Js Replace Not Working on String

JS replace not working on string

.replace() returns a new string (it does not modify the existing string) so you would need:

answer_form = answer_form.replace(/#/g, question_num); 

You probably should also make question_num a string though auto type conversions probably handle that for you.

Working example: http://jsfiddle.net/jfriend00/4cAz5/

FYI, in Javascript, strings are immutable - an existing string is never modified. So any method which makes a modification to the string (like concat, replace, slice, substr, substring, toLowerCase, toUpperCase, etc...) ALWAYS returns a new string.

Javascript .replace() not working

Using .replace() with a string will only fix the first occurrence which is what you are seeing. If you do it with a regular expression instead you can specify that it should be global (by specifying it with a g afterwards) and thus take all occurrences.

carList = "<center>blabla</center> <b>some bold stuff</b> <b>some other bold stuff</b>";
carList = carList.replace(/<center>/g,"").replace(/<\/center>/g,"").replace(/<b>/g,"").replace(/<\/b>/g,"");

See this fiddle for a working sample.

.replace javascript not working

Strings in JavaScript are immutable. They cannot be modified.

The replace method returns the modified string, it doesn't modify the original in place.

You need to capture its return value.

var data = 'http://baab.bh/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/t/e/test.jpg';data = data.replace('/image/', '/image/440x600/');console.log(data);

.replace in not working in js

You need to use .toString() to cast data to string. Once .toString() applied you can call replace() method.

Check this fiddle i created for easier understanding: http://jsfiddle.net/6sxf5d29

string.replace not working in node.js express server

msg = msg.replace(/%name%/gi, "myname");

You're passing a string instead of a regex to the first replace, and it doesn't match because the case is different. Even if it did match, you're not reassigning this modified value to msg. This is strange, because you're doing everything correctly for tmp.

`string.replace` doesn’t change the variable

According to the Javascript standard, String.replace isn't supposed to modify the string itself. It just returns the modified string. You can refer to the Mozilla Developer Network documentation for more info.

You can always just set the string to the modified value:

variableABC = variableABC.replace('B', 'D')

Edit: The code given above is to only replace the first occurrence.

To replace all occurrences, you could do:

 variableABC = variableABC.replace(/B/g, "D");  

To replace all occurrences and ignore casing

 variableABC = variableABC.replace(/B/gi, "D");  

javascript string.replace not working

replace returns a new string with the replacement, it doesn't change the string you call it on.

newbuffer = newbuffer.replace( matches[i], p.shortcodes[x].vala );

Does .replace take "plain text" or will I need to do some regex?

You can call replace either with a string as the "search" argument, or with a regex. If you give it a string, it will replace the first occurrence of that string. If you give it a regex, it will replace the first match, or all matches, depending on whether you include the g ("global") flag on the regex.

Javascript string replace not working

The problem is the returned value of the replace method is not assigned:

description = description.replace("<?player>", req.session.player);

JS Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/LEBRK/

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