JavaScript How to Parse JSON Array

Javascript how to parse JSON array

Javascript has a built in JSON parse for strings, which I think is what you have:

var myObject = JSON.parse("my json string");

to use this with your example would be:

var jsonData = JSON.parse(myMessage);
for (var i = 0; i < jsonData.counters.length; i++) {
var counter = jsonData.counters[i];

Here is a working example

EDIT: There is a mistake in your use of for loop (I missed this on my first read, credit to @Evert for the spot). using a for-in loop will set the var to be the property name of the current loop, not the actual data. See my updated loop above for correct usage

IMPORTANT: the JSON.parse method wont work in old old browsers - so if you plan to make your website available through some sort of time bending internet connection, this could be a problem! If you really are interested though, here is a support chart (which ticks all my boxes).

Convert array to JSON

Script for backward-compatibility:

And call:

var myJsonString = JSON.stringify(yourArray);

Note: The JSON object is now part of most modern web browsers (IE 8 & above). See caniuse for full listing. Credit goes to: @Spudley for his comment below

Parse Json array in JavaScript

array.forEach(item => console.log(item.Name))

array.forEach(item => console.log(item.Status.Id))

Parsing JSON under Array object

That's not a JSON string, it's a JavaScript array. To make it a JSON string, surround it with apostrophes, then you can parse it, and finally loop through it:

var outObjA = '[{"LoginTime":"2018-02-14 08:51:48.0","User":"f00dl3","RemoteIP":""}]';
var outObjA = JSON.parse(outObjA);for (var i = 0; i < outObjA.length; i++) { var jsonData = outObjA[i]; console.log(jsonData);}

How to parse json array which contains multiple data types?

For this specific JSON format you can use the following:

Use Any as data type:

data class ElementsResponse(@SerializedName("elements") val elements: ArrayList<Any>)

And to consume the response, check if Any is String or LinkedTreeMap

when(element) {
is String -> {
// task. or weeks.
println("string: $element")
is LinkedTreeMap<*, *> -> {
// key: image_url / value: https://www.graph-2x.jpg
println("image_url: ${element["image_url"]}")

Parse JSON Array Response

I'm not sure if the response you're getting is a string or an object.

Here's a fiddle that considers both scenarios and logs your expected output to the console.

I've used JSON.parse(<string>) for the case where the response is string.

For other case I just added data key to your response.

Parse json array using javascript


var contact = JSON.parse(students.apResults[i].offid);


How to parse only specific attributes from a JSON file to an array

You can use function to remove the unnecessary fields like following example:

let res = {
"data": [
"id": 6,
"pnome": "dasda",
"unome": "dad",
"avatar": 1,
"email": "d",
"pass": "password",
"ponto": 0
"id": 3,
"pnome": "Enguias",
"unome": "Enguias outra vez",
"avatar": 10,
"email": "enguias@enguias.enguias",
"pass": "enguias",
"ponto": 0
"id": 2,
"pnome": "André",
"unome": "Marques",
"avatar": 1,
"email": "",
"pass": "yet1",
"ponto": 0
} = => {
return {
pass: item.pass


Parse JSON array in JavaScript into several Variables

You JSON is an array (since it's contained in [ and ]), so you need:

var data = JSON.parse('[{"addre....}]');
var address = data[0].address,
postcode = data[0].postcode;

and so on...

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