Insert Unicode Character into JavaScript

Insert Unicode character into JavaScript

I'm guessing that you actually want Omega to be a string containing an uppercase omega? In that case, you can write:

var Omega = '\u03A9';

(Because Ω is the Unicode character with codepoint U+03A9; that is, 03A9 is 937, except written as four hexadecimal digits.)

Edited to add (in 2022): There now exists an alternative form that better supports codepoints above U+FFFF:

let Omega = '\u{03A9}';
let desertIslandEmoji = '\u{1F3DD}';

Judging from, most or all browsers added support for it in 2015, so it should be reasonably safe to use.

insert unicode like \u1d6fc in a javascript text string

You have to use UTF-16 surrogate pairs for characters beyond the UTF-16 range. In your particular case, you can use 0xD835 0xDEFC:


How do I correctly insert unicode in an HTML title using JavaScript?

JavaScript string constants are parsed by the JavaScript parser. Text inside HTML tags is parsed by the HTML parser. The two languages (and, by extension, their parsers) are different, and in particular they have different ways of representing characters by character code.

Thus, what you've discovered is the way reality actually is :-) Use the \u escape notation in JavaScript, and use HTML entities (&#nnnn;) in HTML/XML.

edit — now the situation can get even more confusing when you're talking about creating/inserting HTML from JavaScript. When you use .innerHTML to update the DOM from JavaScript, then you are basically handing over HTML source code to the HTML parser for interpretation. For that reason, you can use either JavaScript \u escapes or HTML entities, and things will work (excepting painful issues of character encoding mismatches etc).

Finally, note that JavaScript also provides the String.fromCharCode() function to construct strings from numeric character codes.

can't get unicode character to display properly - Javascript and HTML

try this string instead of an html escape character (this is a JavaScript string after all, not an html text node) \u2191'

Concatenate unicode character (warning sign) with string in javascript

You can use the String.fromCharCode(num1) method.


That is, String.fromCharCode(0x26A0) + " Warning Sign"

How to use UTF-8 literals in JavaScript alert functions?

You could use decodeURIComponent, which recognises UTF8 hex codes, when prefixed with "%":


How to log unicode characters to the console in JavaScript?

I found out that if you set the proper charset in a <meta> tag in the <head> it will work:

<meta charset="UTF-8">

How to convert UNICODE characters within a string, to their string representation?

Please change your question to the following...

"How to convert UNICODE values to UNICODE characters within a string?"

If that is the question, then I think you can build something like this…

Create an object in JavaScript containing all the key/value pairs for the entire Unicode table. Here is that link

All Unicode characters should be preceded by “U+” then four alpha numeric characters after the “U+”. The following code should work for finding multiple Unicodes within a string.

You will have to manually create the entire Unicode table as a JavaScript object or as a .json and import that .json into your application. Either way the following code will work…

const objUnicode = {
'00F3': 'ó',
'006E': 'n',
'00D1': 'Ñ',
'00FA': 'ú'

//let string1 = 'ConcepciU+00F3n'

let string2 = 'U+00D1eembucU+00FA'


function convertUnicode(string) {
let arraySplit = string.split('U+') //split string at U+ which excludes the U+ from the split
let arrayUnicode = [] //empty array to hold the unicode values to be used as keys
let unicode
//extract all unicodes within the string and add to array
arraySplit.forEach((element) => {
if (element === '') {
unicode = element.slice(0, 4)
// loop through all the unicodes in the array and replace orignal string unicode values with string values from objUnicode
arrayUnicode.forEach((element) => {
string = string.replaceAll(`U+${element}`, objUnicode[element])


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